09 (hot)

207 6 0

max's pov

the girl does just as i told and i kiss her. one of my hands is on her waist and is pulling her closer to me. the other is on the back of her neck, between her blond hair and pulling her closer.

she is supporting her hands on my shoulders and soon she starts to slowly move her waist. i place kisses down her neck and leave a few hickeys on the spot. i hear the girl gasp with each kiss.

the girl intensifies the movements and i get more and more erected.

after a few minutes the girl stops her movements, looks at me and leaves a hot and desirous kiss on my lips. 

-stay tonight. - she says.

-ur sure?


she gets up from my lap and heads to the bathroom. she washes her hands and then she walks towards the kitchen.

-ur going to make dinner?

-hmhm. - scarlett says as she begins to take out the utensils needed to cook.

i get up and hug her from behind. im still erected and she laughs as she feels it. i lay my head between her shoulder and her neck, close my eyes and take a deep breath. i smell her and it makes me hypnotized.

-u need help? - whisper in her ear.

-actually i do.
after dinner i was so tired that i had a shower and was already laid down on scarlett's bed reading a book. i was only using boxers since it was really hot that night.

scarlett enters the room and looks at me.

-u want me to turn on the air conditioning? - she asks.

i close the book and i look at her. she's wearing a bra and panties and her beautiful blonde hair is loose, falling perfectly over her shoulders.

-no no, thanks.

-im having a shower and then i'll be back.

-alright. - i answer as i open the book again.

after some minutes i hear the girl coming back from the bathroom. she enters the bedroom using a red lingerie (red is a color that suits her very well) which makes me inevitably stare at her.

she comes towards me and stands in front of me.

-u like it? - she asks as she turns around.

-i love it, but i can't wait to take it off.

she smiles and sits on my erection, over my boxers. i gaze her for some minutes but then she leans over me. our mouths almost touch.

-u said u wanted to kiss every inch of me, it's ur opportunity to do that. - she whispers.

-hmm, i'd love that.

i put our lips together and we give a passionate kiss. i drop the kisses to her neck and feel the girl's hands trying to take my boxers off. she stops the kiss and lifts herself up. then she pulls my boxers down to my knees. im erected, again.

she kneels in front of me. she gathers her hair with her hands and pulls it back. she leans in and i feel her tongue on me. i close my eyes when i feel her mouth. the girl sucks me masterfully. i open my eyes and i almost came with the view i had. i place my hand on her head so i could control her moves. i went crazy with the way she did all that.

-baby i'll cum. - i said.

she continues and i cum in her mouth. i took a deep breath and the girl leans over me.

-u taste good.

i don't know how to answer that so i gaze her. she goes to the bedside table and takes out a condom. she gets up again and puts it on my dick herself. i take advantage of the fact that she is standing up to pull down her lingerie panties. then she sits on my member and immediately i put my hands on her waist. she goes up and down slowly, torturing me.

she laughs when she sees my desperate face. i lift my torso, sitting up. the girl is now sitting on my lap. she puts her arms around my neck and she starts moaning on my ear as she moves. my hands are holding her waist. i slide my hands on her back and when i get to her bra i unfasten it and pull it off.

she leans back a little leaving her breasts exposed. i leave kisses on her breasts as i hear the girl gasp and moan.

i feel the girl getting tighter and tighter around my member and so i knew she would come soon. right after i think this she comes. she has a hard orgams which made her shudder.

-pls scarlett, don't stop. - i beg in her ear bc i knew that soon i would cum.

she continues her moves until i cum. she rests a little with her head between my shoulder and my neck. i hug her around the waist and listen to her breathe. we stayed like that hugged and silent.

after some time she looks at me in the eyes. with my hand I brush some of the blond hair that was on her face. i look into her green eyes and i smile.

-ur so beautiful. - i whisper.

she smiles. she shifts her gaze down to my chest. she loses her smile as she looks at my the scars. i take her hand and place it over the scars.

-it's fine, u can touch them. - i say calmly.

i feel her finger run over the scars from one end to the other. as she did so i watched her intently. i felt she had many questions to ask me, and i knew she had a right to ask them.

the first night we slept together was so intense that it was normal that she didn't even noticed them. however, we know each other better. i knew this would happen in some point.

she stopped, i no longer feel her finger tracing my scars. she's now looking at me in the eyes. she gets closer and kisses me. a calm, sweet and passionate kiss but also full off desire. and i must confess that it is one of the things i love on her. her mix of feelings and emotions that she transmits to me. she can be both hot and sexy type of girl but also the kind and caring one.

i know that im fooling myself by saying that im not starting to feel different things about her, bc i am.

we stop the kiss and we smile at each other. i lean back without warning and the girl falls over me laughing.

i kiss her forehead and then she kisses my cheek. she lays down next to me and i pull the sheet to cover us.

she turns her back and i grab her from behind, bringing our bodies together.

we didn't say a word. our silence said everything.

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