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max's pov

the next morning i didn't even need the alarm clock, i wake up 1 hour before it rang. im still with my eyes close as i move my hand up to her breasts and i get closer to her. i leave several kisses on her shoulder and go up to your neck until i reach her ear.

-good morning, baby. - i whisper.

i leave a kiss on her cheek. she turns around and kisses me.

-good morning. - she says smiling when we stop the kiss.

we stay in bed for a while.

-i have something to tell u. - she says.

she sounds nervous.

-what? - i ask.

she gets up and looks at me in the eyes.

-im going on a business trip to Paris tomorrow.


-hmhm. but i'll be back in 4 days, for the company's anniversary party.

-right, u want me to do something different on the company while ur out?

-no baby, u just have to do the same as always.

she says and then kisses me.
[1 day after]

after breakfast we got ready to go to the airport.

i put her luggage in the trunk of my car. then i sit down and scarlett sits on the passenger sit next to me. i start the car and we go ahead to the airport.


the only thing making noise inside this car is the radio. i look at scarlett and she's looking at the view that is outside the window. i put my hand on the girls thigh and i squeeze it a little. i feel her hand over mine and i smile still paying attention to the road.

-are u nervous? - i ask.

-no, im fine. - she answers and i look at her again.

scarlett's pov

im on the plane to Paris. max drove me to the airport and i can assume it was hard to say goodbye to him, i'll miss him. but now i have to get ready because i'm going to face a very long journey until there.

the moment i close my eyes i can only see what happened last night. i'll miss his touch, his kiss, but it's only 4 days, i think i can deal with that. plus, there's something good waiting for me.

max's pov

well, i must say that watching scarlett go away it's hard. i know, it's just 4 days but for someone who's used to see her every minute it's difficult to say goodbye, even if it's for a short period of time.
[4 days after]

max's pov

im at hailee's house choosing the best suit for the company's anniversary and hailee is helping me with that, of course.

also, scarlett is coming from Paris today and i can't wait to see her again. we kept contact during this 4 days, but it was almost impossible due to the lack of free time she had. she was really busy so i hope she enjoys this party, she needs a break.

i offered myself to pick her up in the airport but she refused and said she wanted me to wait for tonight.

-it's done! - hailee says as she finishes tying my tie

-thanks. - i say and it's possible to detect nervousness in my voice.

-why are u nervous? - she asks smiling.

-idk, maybe bc i'll be introduced to all my co-workers by my boss who happens to have sex with me very often.

-and for which of them are u most nervous about? and be honest. - she puts her hands on my shoulders.

-having sex with my boss, ig.

-chill budy, she wasn't ur boss when u guys met. - she says as she walks away from me towards the kitchen.

-right, but now she is. - i sit on the couch.

-what do u want for dinner?

-anything it's fine. - i say as i scratch the back of my neck.

-when u say that is bc u want lasagna. - hailee says and laughs. - can u call flo, pls? tell her to come.

-yes, sure.
after dinner i open the front door and i walk towards my car when suddenly i listen hailee's voice.

-have fun!

i look back and there is hailee and flo on the front door looking at me. i can see hailee's smile.

-if u need anything, don't call us, we'll be busy. - flo says and laughs. hailee hits her arm and laughs too.

-oh, don't worry, i'll be busy too.

i smile and i enter my car. now im driving towards the company's headquarters. once i arrive i receive a message from scarlett.

"are u taking longer? the party already started!"

very authoritarian, barely arrived and is already sent to me. she's lucky that i do as she says.

open the car's door and i walk towards the entrance. there is not much light downstairs as the party is taking place on the 3rd floor, where there is a huge room and a bar. i can hear the noise upstairs.

i take the elevator up. when i arrive, the doors open and i find a huge crowd, most of them talking to each other, glasses in hand. i listen to the music, the dj was chosen by scarlett, so he must be pretty good. i walk among people. they look at me and i nod and smile, always walking. im looking for scarlett.

i reach the bar.

-vodka, pls. - i ask the bartender.

-drinking already? - i hear a voice behind me.

i turn around and i face a girl. she's wearing a beautiful green dress which highlights her green eyes. i've seen her before but i can't remember her name.

-elizabeth, or just lizzie. i can see that u recognized me.

-yeah, and what are u doing here?

-im one of the partners. i am the branch manager in France, more precisely in Paris.

-oh, i see. - i say as i look to the glass of vodka that the bartender gave me.

-ur scarlett's secretary, right? she talked about u all the time. btw, she's looking for u.

-yeah, right. ig i see u around. - i say as i get up.

-sure! - she says walking away.

i look to the crowd and finally i notice her. I walk towards her. she seems to be having a great conversation since she's laughing.

-good night, everyone. - i say as i arrive.

now im near to scarlett. she looks at me and then to the people that were around her.

-look, here he is. this is max, my new secretary.

-pleasure. - some guy says and smiles making a suggestive face as he looks at scarlett.

it's chris, of course he's here too. we've already met.

i smile back at him. not a sympathetic smile for sure.

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