06 (hot)

272 5 0

max's pov

the girl gets closer to me. i was ready to kiss her when we are interrupted by someone.

-hey scarlett! - the girl says smiling.

-lizzie! omg, how are u? - scarlett says and hugs her.

-im great! i missed u a lot! - the girl stops the hug and looks at me. - hi!

-hey... - i say.

-i didn't mean to...interrupt.

yeah, but u did.

-oh, it's fine. see u around, lizzie. - scarlett says.


the girl disappears in the crowd.
-im so tired, scarlett.

-c'mon, just one dance! - she says trying to convince me.

we're both sat on the sofas in the corner of the room.

-sorry, but no. - i say hanging my head back and i sigh.

i close my eyes and when i wasn't expecting i feel her sitting on my lap.

-scarlett... - i sigh again.

i feel her hands on my shoulders. i open my eyes and i look at her. she comes closer to me. her mouth is almost touching mine.

-there's just inches in between us and i want u to give in. - she murmurs.

i can smell her strawberry vodka breath.

-please, scarlett.

-what baby? - she says in the most provocative voice. - why don't u come and kiss me?

i try to reach her lips but the girl dodges.

-ur so desperate for me. - she says laughing.

she approaches my ear and whispers.

-be patient, ur gonna have a lot of time and opportunities to kiss me.

she gets off my lap and sits next to me.

-ur playing dirty. - i say laughing.

-oh no, that's the cleanest play ever. - she says smiling.

-hey, u guys are here! flo is very drunk already so i think it's better we go home. - hailee says.
-thanks for helping me carrying her. - hailee says as we lay flo on the bed.

-u sure u don't need more help?

-no, it's fine. it's not the first time this happens, so. - hailee says shrugging her shoulders.

-right. good night then.

-wait, are u are you going to take scarlett to her house? - hailee says holding my wrist.

-yeah, maybe...

-if i were u, i wouldn't let this opportunity go. - she says looking now at flo and covering her with some blankets.

-ik but, idk if im ready for her...i think she's...too much... - i say gazing the floor.

-do what u want max. have a good night. - she says hugging me.

i get out of hailee's house and i go towards my car. scarlett was waiting for me inside. i get in and scarlett is now on the passenger seat next to me.

-u want me to take to ur house?

-maybe it's a little far...

-u can stay at mine then. - i start the car.
i sit on the couch and i close my eyes for a bit.

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