𝟏𝟓. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞, 𝐒𝐨

589 20 18


|text message|

You still up?

Yeah I'm up

You tired?

Not really

Wanna hang out?


Yeah? 😁

Well what do you wanna do?
It's 2am

So? Let's watch a movie or
something, I'll come to your

In what room are you? And
what floor?

5th floor, room number 9

Then I'll be there in a few

If that's alright

It might be a bad idea



But only because you won




I silently sigh, put my phone down again and stare at the TV. Yup, this is a bad idea, but I kinda feel like spending time with him right now anyway. Shortly after he texted me, here's a knock on the door. Wow, he really ran here. I stand up in the white bathrobe without any make-up while my hair is in a messy bun, walk up to the door and open it. "Hi, baby" Chris immediately says, wrapping his arms around me and giving me a big, warm, loving hug. "Hi" I happily sigh, still feeling incredibly proud of him. "Wow, even at 2am, you look absolutely beautiful" he chuckles, making me laugh as he slowly backs off, still holding my waist. "I really don't" I reply, shaking my head and walking back into my room. "Yeah, you do" he adds, lifting his shoulders up for a second before following me inside and closing the door behind him. "So, what do you wanna do?" I ask, jumping back into the bed again.

"Well, are you hungry?" he asks, walking over to the other side of the bed and laying down there. "Starving!" I giggle, laying on my side to look at him. He looks cute, very cute. "Great, so let's order in some room service food and watch a movie" he suggests, softly smiling at me and running his hand through my hair once. "I'm sorry about earlier... I had a mental breakdown and... I'm sorry" I silently say, looking into his eyes. "I know, but... It's okay, I was having one too" he chuckles, making me smile. I knew he did, we were both feeling bad. "We are so chaotic, huh?" I ask, giggling as he laughs with me. "We are, but it's worth it" he replies, leaning in to kiss my cheek. "So, food? What do you wanna order?" he asks now, looking at my lips for a second. "Yeah! Um... Fries?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. "Oh, yeah, definitely fries. Let's order pancakes too, I kinda crave pancakes. Do you think they make those at this time?" Chris asks, making me smile again.

"They will for Golden Globe Winner Chris Evans, right?" I jokingly ask in reply, causing him to laugh again. "They better!" he jokes now, so we laugh together again and talk about what else we're gonna order. We'll be having fries, pancakes, burgers, chicken and ice cream. Fuck it, why the hell not. "Drinks? I do have champagne, though" I add, before making the call. "Oh God, I love you" he chuckles, standing up from the bed and grabbing the bucket of ice with the bottle in it, along with two champagne glasses. "Do we need anything else to drink after?" I ask, while he sits down next to me. "Um... Maybe like juice? Or, you know, more champagne" he chuckles, nodding his head as I laugh. "More champagne it is" I giggle, so I grab the phone to make the call, until Chris stops me.

"Let me order it, so I can put it on my name" he says, taking my hand. "No no, I'll order" I reply, but he shakes his head. "Let me do it" he adds, so I start shaking my head too. "No, I wanna order it, it's my treat and I'm not letting you argue" I say, grabbing the phone again. "Please? I wanna spoil you, baby" he starts again, causing me to sigh. "And I wanna spoil you, so let me order the food" I giggle, so he smiles at me and silently sighs. "Let me order the champagne, then. Just the champagne, so we can both spoil each other" he suggests, also raising his eyebrows now. "Why do you wanna do it so bad?" I ask, a little more silent now. "Because I wanna spoil my girl, baby" he replies, softly smiling at me yet again. "And your girl wants to spoil you, so" I sigh, making him laugh.

I won't let him order anyway, and make the call for the food and four more bottles of champagne. "Oh God, breakfast is gonna be interesting in the morning" Chris says after I made the call, causing me to laugh. "You said we needed three more!" I giggle, taking his hand without thinking. "Yeah and you ordered four!" he chuckles, so we laugh again and wait for the food and drinks to get here. Once it's all here, Chris puts on the second bathrobe and we lay down underneath the covers, playing 'The Little Mermaid' on the TV. "Okay, let's set one rule for the night, before we actually get wasted" I say, pouring us both a glass of champagne. "What is it?" he asks, raising his eyebrows yet again. "Let's not, under any circumstances, have sex. No matter how drunk we are" I tell, still softly smiling. After a small moment of silence, he nods his head with a soft smile as well. "Ofcourse, I agree" he says, with his happy puppy eyes.

"I'm serious, no matter how drunk we are, no matter how much we love each other, let's just not" I quickly add, making sure he knows we really shouldn't. "I know, baby. Let's not let that happen while we're drunk" he replies, giving me another soft smile. "Let's not let that happen at all!" I giggle, shaking my head. "While we're drunk" he starts again, so I hit him with a quick 'at all' before he can argue about it. "We'll see about that in the future, baby. You did just tell me you love me, so" he says, raising his eyebrows for a second. "I did not" I quickly reply, trying to stop smiling. Fuck, fucking hell, I did. "I think you did, baby. I heard it" he says, nodding his head. "You heard it wrong" I add, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on again. "Uh, I don't think I did actually, but alright, if you say so" he sighs, obviously kidding. Yeah, no, he's right, I kinda did say it.

"Let's have some champagne" I start, grabbing those two glasses he got. "You trying to get me drunk, baby?" he chuckles, making me laugh. "No no, you just deserve some champagne" I reply, giving him the bottle. "Well, you do too" he tells, popping the bottle open which makes me smile. "Why would I deserve it?" I ask, watching him pour our glasses. "Because, like I said in my acceptance speech, I wouldn't be where I am right now, without you" he replies, putting the bottle down again. I softly smile at his reply, put my glass to his and smile again. "Cheers to you, Golden Globe Winner" I say, nodding my head once. "And to you, the girl who's always by my side" he adds, before we both take a sip and start our Disney-marathon. We watch Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, and start Lady and the Tramp after that. In the meantime, we drank four whole bottles of champagne together. Yeah, we're wasted.

"No but seriously, upon dying; if you had to choose between re-living your life or living a new, different live, what would you choose?" I ask, giggling like my life depends on it. "Fuck, uh... I'd re-live my life, but I'd make sure to have you as my wife in that one" Chris replies, while we're both laying on the bed, looking at each other as we drink even more champagne. "Ofcourse" I laugh, pouring more champagne into my glass. We're so drunk right now, I just know we're gonna regret all of this in the morning. Not that we're gonna remember anything, but still. "Alright, here's something; what if you and I travel to Italy, and elope?" he asks this time, causing me to frown before I burst out laughing. "You're crazy!" I laugh, closing my eyes for a moment as Chris just shakes his head. "I'm not crazy, I'm just in love with you. Also, I'm pretty sure I wanna be spending the rest of my life with you" he adds, while im still laughing.

"God" I giggle, shaking my head too now before looking at him. "It's true! I really do love you! That's why I think we should just go somewhere and elope, no one needs to know except for you and me" he replies with a toothy smile, looking like he's actually serious. Dork. "What is your favorite way to waste time?" I ask, changing the subject by asking him another stupid drink question. "My favorite way to waste time? What does that even mean?" he asks in reply, frowning as he laughs before taking another sio of champagne. "Like, what is your favorite useless thing to do" I explain, giggling a little. "Oh! Jeez, uh... Fuck, I don't know! Stop asking me hard fucking questions!" he jokes, making me laugh yet again. I'm having the time of my life with him, this is amazing even though we're gonna regret this at breakfast tomorrow.

𝑺𝑻𝒀𝑳𝑬 ➳ 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now