𝟐𝟓. 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐎𝐤𝐚𝐲

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Chris' POV

"I just... We..." I stutter, not knowing how to explain what just happened between Amelia and me. "You... What?" Scott asks, chuckling at my answer before I let out a silent sigh. "I don't know, we just kinda played around I guess, until she decided it was enough" I finally tell, lifting my shoulders up for a second. "You what?!" Scott screams, making me flinch before I make him shut up. "Shh, please, Scott, Jesus" I whisper, but he keeps this shocked face on. "Chris! Oh my God! She has a boyfriend!" he shouts at me, but I shake my head. "Nothing bad happened, calm down" I quickly explain, and he frowns again. "What do you mean by 'played around' then?!" he loudly asks, causing me to sigh. "We just... I-I kissed her neck and stuff" I tell, fixing my pants a little. "Stuff? What stuff?!" he asks again, still pretty loud. "Just... I don't know, nothing big" I reply, trying not to look at him too much.

"Chris, you practically made out with her!" he yells, but yet again, I shake my head. "I didn't kiss her lips. I only touched her a little, and I kissed her neck, that's it" I explain, while he rolls his eyes at me. "And look what that lead to! She's pissed at you!" he adds, but I just smile. "Yeah, well, she liked it, so" I reply, slightly chuckling now. "How do you know that?" Scott asks, pulling me back to the moment I had with Amelia. Oh, how I wanted to pick her up and fuck her right here on this table... I chuckle as I think about it, and fix my watch. "Chris, how do you know that?" he asks again, finally making me look up. "She was on the verge of moaning, I just know she was" I tell, lifting my shoulders up again. "God, you're fucking unbelievable" he sighs, taking a few steps back and sitting down on the couch on which I might have fucked Amelia if she didn't stop us on time.

"Why?" I ask, raising my eyebrows slightly. "Think about what I told you yesterday, dumbass" he replies, so I roll my eyes at him now. "Don't be like that! You literally disrespected and ignored every single thing she told you in that fight!" he loudly adds, making me think. "Yeah, so?" I ask, frowning as I look at him. "Think, Chris! It's gonna be too late some time, she's gonna seriously walk away from you some time if you continue to be like this" Scott explains, but I shake my head. "So what, Scott? We'll be fine, we're always fine" I tell, but he shakes his head this time. "You went too far, Chris. I heard what she said to you before she walked out..." he slowly says, so I think back at it. Yeah, she said she's done with me. "She doesn't mean that, we're gonna be just fine" I reply, obsessively looking at my watch and trying to fix it, just to think of something else.



Back to Amelia's POV

I come back home, silently crying as I grab my keys from my purse. Before opening the door, I look down and see a beautiful bouquet of flowers laying there, with a little card next to it. I softly smile, take it inside and take a look after kicking my shoes off. "For you, because I know you like them. Love, Soy" is what the card says, and I can't help but keep smiling. That's really sweet, and just what I needed. Suddenly, a huge feeling of guilt washes over me. No doubt about it, I'm gonna talk to Soy about what happened. He needs to know, this wasn't just something small I can keep from him. Especially not this shortly in, we need to build this thing on trust, in my opinion. I text him to thank him for the card and the flowers, but also ask him if he can come over to talk.

Only a few minutes later, he's here. "Hey, beautiful! Are you okay?" he asks, smiling and giving me a hug as he steps inside. "Yeah! Well, we have to talk about something" I immediately say, just to let him know. "Ofcourse, sweetheart. Let's sit, then?" he asks, softly smiling as I nod my head. We sit down on the couch together after I gave him a cup of tea, and I take a deep breath. "Hey, beautiful? Look at me" he says, so I look up from my own cup and look into his happy eyes. He's so cute! "Whatever it is, it's okay. Don't feel bad, I can see you're feeling bad, but it's okay. You can tell me, I'm not the kinda guy to get mad about anything" he tells, moving a string of hair behind my ear for me. "Okay... Um... Well, do you, uh... Do you remember Chris? Evans?" I ask, making him smile.

"Ah, the not-so-Captain-America guy!" he jokes, making me laugh. "Yeah!" I giggle, slightly cuddling up to him after he wrapped his arm around me. "I told you about the fact that him and I used to be kinda complicated, and that I officially stopped everything with him during that fight where he told you to go away, right?" I ask, while he keeps smiling. "Yes, sweetheart. I know, you told me" he replies, so I slowly nod my head. "Well, as you know, he's still my client... He had this photoshoot today, and..." I try to tell, but I get interrupted by my own tears. "It's okay, sweetheart. You can tell me, it's okay" Soy silently adds, softly comforting me. I take another deep breath, look into his puppy eyes and watch him smile at me.

"I was helping him get dressed, I always do, but then he suddenly asked me when the last time was that I had sex with someone. I didn't k kw what to say, he was looking at me in this certain way and... And he was kissing my neck a few seconds after that... I um, we didn't kiss, though. I didn't kiss him, he didn't kiss me, but he did kiss my neck and he did touch me softly and... I-I'm so sorry, Soy... I... I-I don't know, I got caught up in the moment but as soon as I realized what was happening, I pushed him away and told him no" I explain, silently crying. "It's okay, it's okay" Soy silently says, pulling me close and kissing the top of my head a few soft times. "Hey, listen to me, okay, beautiful? I know it wasn't, but let's say that the fight was a breakup, right? So, that's only a week ago. Please, darling, do not apologize for getting caught up in the moment with him. It's so normal, and it's so okay. The fact that you're telling me this only makes me realize how much I like you, and I need you to know that it's okay. What happened could've happened to anyone, it could've even happened to me. It's okay, really. I'm still right here, and I'm not going anywhere. Thank you for telling me, but you're good. We're okay" he tells me in reply, which straight up makes me cry.

Wow, he's really fucking sweet about this. I'm so happy I told him, and I'm so happy he thinks it's okay now. He's right, it's only a week ago, but I still felt bad. For the rest of the day, Soy stays with me. We order in some food, watch some movies as we cuddle up on the couch while he keeps telling me that it's okay every time I start to feel bad. I know it's been a week, but still, it feels good with him. We make plans for even more dates, and he tells me where he'd like to take me. He told me about multiple restaurants, but also movie theaters, parks, funfairs, and other places. Things are gonna be nice with him, especially now that I'm done with Chris. Totally fucking done.



- Time Skip, One Week Later -

After a cute picnic date with Soy, our third one to be exact, he takes me back home. "I had a great time tonight, again. I'm having a great time every time I'm with you, actually" Soy chuckles, still holding my hand in his. "Likewise" I giggle, softly caressing his hand with my thumb. "Yeah? So, are you up for some more dates?" he asks, jokingly raising his eyebrows at me. "Yes I am!" I giggle again, taking his hand in both my hands now. We've been having the best time together, we've hung out a lot too on days when didn't plan dates, and that's been great as well. "Good, very good! I'm glad, beautiful!" Soy happily chuckles, looking like a 5-year-old in a candy store. "Hey um, I was wondering... Can I maybe, uh... Kiss you goodnight?" he asks, after we talked here for a while longer. He's so cute, so nervous and all.

I look up at him, since he's taller than I am, and softly smile. "Yes you can" I reply, still softly smiling. He softly smiles back at me, gently places his hand on my cheek and slowly gives my lips a long, soft kiss. We both smile into the kiss, and leave a few more pecks as we giggle together. I wrap my arms around his neck while he wraps his around my waist, and we keep kissing for a while longer. When he really has to go, he pecks my lips a few more times before jokingly running away. Before he even gets to the elevator, he jokingly runs back, grabs both my cheeks and kisses me again. He's funny, and very cute. I finally get inside, take my heels off and sit down on the couch, just thinking about tonight. I had a great time, I'm glad I feel this way with Soy. I'm seeing my family tomorrow, in Sudbury, so I get ready for bed and get some sleep.

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