The puppeteer of Mt. Natagumo

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After many days of recovery, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Sabito, Makomo, Muichiro, Inosuke, Ume, Kaigaku, and Zenitsu were clear to return to duty. Then suddenly, Tanjiro's crow arrives shouting their mission.


They returned into their uniforms and bid farewell to Hisa the wisteria House keeper. 

Old women: I will now light sparks to grant you the best of luck.

She scraps the rocks together.

Old women: No matter what may come your way, live your lives with your heads up high.  I only wish you the best of luck in battle.

The nine slayers began to head northeast jogging to the mountain.

Inosuke: She really does care for our safety.

Zenitsu: Yeah we are the ones who can put a stop to the demon king once and for all.

Kaigaku: I agree brother. 

Nezuko: So, lets make it happen.

Tanjiro: I agree with you Nezuko. Even every night the oldest male of the Kamado family performs the dance of the Hinokami Kagura granting us good luck.

Sabito: I would really like to see that dance.

(Night time)

After many hours of running, it was now night and the four arrived at Mt. Nagtagumo.

Nezuko: So, this is where our mission is huh? *nervous*

Sabito: Apparently

Tanjiro: Our crow said that there were heavy casualties here, but I can smell a number of demon slayers fighting.

Makomo: Also Zenitsu can I ask you something.

Zenitsu: Sure what is it?

Makomo: How did you get a blade that big and how are you able to move so easily with it?

But before he could answer they see a slayer crawling from the clearing. Tanjiro went over to try and help him.

Tanjiro: Are you alright?! What happened?!

Slayer: This place! It's a deathtrap. We're being sent here just to die.

Suddenly, the slayer was viciously puled back into the mountain.


He was gone.

Zenitsu: Five

Nezuko: Are you saying that there are only five slayers left?!

Zenitsu: No. There are still plenty of our comrades fighting. The five heartbeats I feel are demons. They're spread throughout the mountain. I can feel the pulses of several humans getting slower and slower. So here's the plan we'll split into 2 groups one will rescue the captive humans and the others will stay behind to face the strong demons.

everyone agrees. So the group of people that will save the captives are Zenitsu, Kaigaku, Muichiro, and Ume. And the rest will face the demons in the mountain.

Zenitsu: Alrighty then hopefully, We'll see you guys alive at day light.

The group vanished towards the ominous mountain.

Tanjiro: Let's go help save our comrades. 

The 5 slayers enter the mountain finding spiders and webs everywhere. Just then they spot another slayer all alone.

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