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3 MAY....

The day when the youngest Lombardi was born. Everyone was happy and excited to welcome a new family member. They don't know the gender yet but they think it was a baby boy because it's been like ages that a girl was born in Lombardi family.


I was in hospital walking back and forth outside the  room. I don't know what to do,  that she was in pain and I can't do anything for her. I can't see her like this, my sons was so excited to finally able to meet the baby but also worried about their mom.

Finally the nurse come outside and said "you can came inside now".

I was so excited to meet my new born baby. I was the first who's enter in the room, and there was my QUEEN. I walk straight toward her and kissed her forehead.

" I'm proud of you amore you did a good job" I said and kissed her forehead again.

"yah yah but it was the last one" she said,and there is she my sassy queen I love. I Humm in response.

" congratulations you have a healthy daughter, Mr & Mrs Lombardi "the doctor said.

We can't believe, what she just said. We were so shocked and happy to know that we finally have a princess who we could spoil after our 6 sons I don't have words to explain that how much happy I'm, I don't even notice that I was crying until my wife wiped my tears away, then I look at my wife and noticed that we both have tears of happiness in our eyes. Then doctor came to give us our princess, she's looking so peaceful while sleeping.

" I have to go and get her birth papers done,can you tell me the name you want her to be called so I can put it in there" the doctor said.
( I don't know alot about this so sorry if there any mistakes but you can always correct me guys )....

"yes VALENTINA LOMBARDI please,and thanks for your help" i said. "no problem" she said and walk away.

I look back at my princess in my queen's arm, the best view of my life. "don't you want to hold her" my love said. " why not, it's my dream to hold my princess in my arms " I replied and hold my princess securely close to my heart, she's so tiny, innocent, just like her mother looking beautiful, just then she opened her eyes, and she had my eyes just like Alessandro, hazel green eyes looking so cute. I kissed her forehead gently I don't want to hurt her, she's so fragile.This moment I promised myself that I'm protect her till my last breath.


The door was opened and here he came looking so excited. He kissed my forehead and tell me how proud he is right now. I love him alot, we already have 6 sons, it'll be our 7th and the last I hope. We don't know the gender but we really want a princess, especially the boys they want a little sister to play, to spoil, and to protect.

We finally have a princess. I can't believe when doctor said we have a daughter, I was so happy but I don't have a words to describe my feelings. I love all of my sons but I always wanted a daughter, I look at husband to see him crying, he wanted a daughter who he could spoil and protect, I wipe his tears. Doctor give me my daughter, she's finally in my arm. She's so beautiful and innocent, they ( her father and brothers) better don't try to make her like them. I give her to him, he held her close to him securely. They are looking so cute. He maybe a mafia Don but a soft hearted person to his family.

"don't you think you should call the boys so they can be able to meet their little sister, I'm sure they will be shocked but happy to know they finally got a princess" I said.

" I totally forgot about them, they are also worried about about you " he said.

"ofcourse they are mama boys after all" I said.

"oh then I'm glad that I have a princess now and she'll be daddy's princess" he said and walk out to call the boys.


I came to call the boys so they could meet there sister, but I don't tell them that we got a princess. It will be a surprise, and I am sure that she also want to see their surprised reaction.

"let's go boys your mama and the baby was waiting" I said, and walk back in the room, where my girls are.

"mama can I see my baby brother" Alessandro said. "well we have a surprise for all of you"she said

" I lowbe spurige mama" (I love surprise mama) my twins said.

" the surprise is, that we don't have a baby boy but a girl". I said

"it mean we have a princess" Antonio said "finally" giovanni said. "yes my loves we have a princess now,like gio said finally" she said. "dad I will protect her"Alessandro said to which Antonio and giovanni Humm in response." I know you will baby".

"mama can I hold her"giovanni said" no me mama me "both xander and xavier yell, with that they all start playing with her, well mostly yelling at each other that who will hold her, even Francesco was trying to held her in his small hands.

I can't be happier than this right now, I will protect my family especially my princess, I don't want her to be hurt in the future, she's just so fragile like a glass doll who could break if I raise my voice a little.


Sorry everyone if there is a mistakes plzz correct me. It was my first time, and I'm so nervous.,and also please suggest should I write a small or lengthy chapters. Plzz let me know and you can also suggest some ideas about this story.


LACUNA ( noun )
Meaning: a blank space or a missing

Bye guys plzz vote. And share as much as you can, if the story worth it.......


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