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She's now two years old..........

                LEONARDO POV.......

               I just came home from my one of warehouses, there are alot of work one of our big shipment got stolen and it was our rival Russians but we don't have prove yet, but I'm sure it was them cuz he always try to hurt my family and yesterday also someone was followed my car but I'm not sure about that because when I stop my car so no one was there.

"dada you came" my princess say as she came running toward me.

"love slow down we don't want our princess getting hurt, do we" I said and kissed her eyes.

"sorry dada" she said. " it's okay my love now tell me why you don't sleep yet" I said, just then my wife enter in the room

"finally you came she wasn't sleeping" my wife said and sigh. She probably tired I can feel it, it has to be my sons specially the twins they are the trouble makers in our family.

"why my princess wasn't sleeping huh, it's your bed time right" I asked her.

"but dada I miss you" she said while pouting. I know I'm not giving them my time recently but what can I do there are alot of things to do, I don't want to risk there safety. It's so frustrating I want all of us to spend time together but these Russian arghh.

"I know love dada also miss you but what can I do there are alot of things to do, you know there is bad man who trying to hurt my princess and dada has to protect his princess" I said.

"but dada will protect me" she said and kissed my nose. "ofcource dada will protect you now sleep baby so you can go to shopping with your brothers and mama right" i said.

"dada toys" she said excitedly but soon became sad again.

"yes love toys now why did my princess became sad huh" I said. " dada will not come " she said.

"oh so thats why my love is sad huh" I said and she hum in response "love don't be sad, dada promise that he will go with his baby next time okay so don't be sad it hurt dada to see you sad" I said "okay dada, goodnight " she said, and go to my wife and kissed her cheeks.

"goodnight mama" she said. "goodnight my love let go and sleep OK" my wife said.

"I will go with dada" she said and come to me while raising her hands so I can pick her up, I picked her and carry her toward our room with my wife following us, as we enter in our room I lay her on the bad and went to change my clothes in something comfortable so I can sleep peacefully. I enter in the room and here are my loves don't get me wrong I love my sons but my princess and queen have a special place in my heart.

"finally you came I think you will take a whole night to get refresh" my wife said while my princess just giggles. I went toward my wife "well love I know you're missing me, and I don't mind if you joined while I'm showering" I said and kissed her cheek.

"shut up and go sleep with your daughter, so I can get a nice warm shower" she said.

"okay my lady as you say" I said as she go to the bathroom to take a shower. She will be the death of me I loved her alot, only she has the power to make me kneel infront of her except my daughter.

"now where are my princess I can't see her" I said while pretend trying to look for her. "I'm here, silly Dada" she said and giggled, only she can call a mafia boss silly, what can I do I don't want to die cause my princess innocence I just pray she can be like that for the rest of her life.

"oh is that so, love now here comes a tickle monster" I said as I went toward her and start tickling her.

"now tell me love who's silly huh" I said and continue tickling her "no one dada plz stop" she said while laughing so hard

"no first say I love dada the most" I said. "I love dada the most" she said and I stop tickling her "dada it's hurt" she said

"oh I'm sorry my love let me massage it for you" I said while giving her a gentle massage. "it's now fine dada" she said.

"OK love now sleep we don't want your mom to come out and scold us right" I said to which she say okay dada. Just then my wife enter in the room.

"why you both are up yet" she said sounded a bit displeased, she may be a soft and sassay person but I promised you don't want to see her angry . Just I was about to answer her my princess cut me off.

"we were waiting for you mama" she said. "oh my love you waited for me" my wife asked as her eyes soften just by looking at our princess she loves her very much.

"yes mama now come I'm sleepy" she said while yawning. "ok my little flower let's sleep" she said and kissed her forehead.

"mama don't call me flower, xander called me that okay" she said "okay I'm sorry baby now sleep okay" my wife said, and my princess come me and snuggled on my chest and I hugged her closed to me and kissed both of them "goodnight my loves" I said to which both of them say goodnight in return and soon we all fell asleep.


(Well this chapter is a bit short but plzz tell me yours view about my story I will try to update the sooner . You can always correct my mistake so it will help me)


ORPHIC: mysterious and enchanting
( adj. )        beyond ordinary

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