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It's been an hour they take her in for operation but no one come out yet and I'm losing control, just than the doctor came.

"tell me how she is, is she fine there's nothing to be worry about right" I said as soon as they came out, but they're are just standing there like a statue while looking done.

"I ASKED YOU SOMETHING, CAN'T YOU HEAR ME HUH" I yell at them cuz they are not saying anything and I'm losing my sh*t now.

"val baby calm down let them talk first OK, and doctors plz tell us about the patient condition we have to know about it no matter how worse it is" dada said trying to maintain the situation which is getting worse cuz of my short temper.

"we know it's must be hard for you all but we tried our best but cuz of heavy blood loss we can't be able to save her, we sorry"  the doctors said and left from there  while we all got stuck in our place.


There is nothing but silence.

        I don't know what to do or think it's like my body paralyzed I can't say a word even if trying my best.


"Val baby plz say something my love don't be like"  mama said hugging me tightly being in her arms I got the warmth which I used to get from mom and soon I'm break into tears, I hugged her back while crying.

"mama how c-can it be possible s-she can't le-eave me, she only one I have, she p-promised me tha-that she will never leave me she say that she love me alot t-than how can leave me alone huh what do I do now m-mama tell me"  i said sobbing hard.

"Val baby I know you are hurt but how can you say that she's only you have huh, we are here na baby we are a family, you have us plz calm down my love it's breaking our heart to see you crying like this,  what do you think will she be happy if she get know that her strong daughter is crying like this" mama said as she continously rub my back trying to make me calm.

"I'm sorry mama I don't want to say that but how can she leave me,  I love her more than anything mama how can I leave without her mama tell me, tell me na and you are telling me to calm down how can I mama, how can I after knowing that it's all my fault that she's not here with me, if only I were strong enough to protect her she will be at home"

"SHUT UP, shut your mouth valantina russo how can you blame yourself for this huh you also know that no matter how hard you try you can never stop your enemies cuz you are one and they are alot more than you think, and tell me how can you protect her from someone you know nothing about  huh, I don't expect this from you Val I don't, I think your strong enough to not cry here like a baby and try to get to know who the fu*ker is behind all of this and will give him/her what they deserve but here you are crying and blaming yourself"  ray said and I can feel the disappointment in his voice.

"that what I'm saying ray I don't try hard enough, I take it easy I don't think they will do this, I let my guards down and if only I have stoped her in morning when she going office this should not have happened, but I let her go even when I don't have any positive feeling about today, but you know what you are right I should not stand here blaming myself don't worry soon I will find however is behind all of this and when I found them however they are I promise you that they will regret there decision ray I promised to give them the death they deserve"  I said and I went to the room where mom is.

             I'm here besides her bed she looks like she sleeping peacefully and soon she will be awake and hug me saying that she's fine and I don't have to worry about her, that how she always thinking about other no matter how much pain she's is in.

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