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         VALENTINA POV........

                   I just woke up, when I heard yell of my mom from downstairs for me to get ready as I have to go to school, arghh I just hate that place not that I don't like and don't want to study but because of the kids who study there they are just so interfering, i have only 20min left but first I have to feed babies they are more important for me than that shit (school) .

I got ready and went downstairs just to see mom standing there looking like an angry bird.

"finally val you decided to show, how many times do I have to tell you that you should wake up early and now that you wake up late, you are not going to eat your breakfast cuz of that" my mom said angrily, it's the only thing I got yelled by mom cuz I don't eat my breakfast as I always wake up late.

"sorry mom but you don't have to worry I will have something from cafeteria" I said. I woke up late cuz the mission I have last night and I have to wait for mom to sleep so I could sneak out of the house and it's ended up late so yeah.

"val please don't be so careless all of the time, you have to take care of your self, now I'm here for you but what will you do when I die one day huh" mom said.

"mom what the hell are you saying, you are not going to leave me and nothing will happen to you i will not let it, so plz don't say anything like that " I said seriously , I can't even think that mom will not be there with me, I love her alot I will die if something happen to mom she is the only family I have she is both my mom and dad, she was there with me when no one else. Especially my dad he was not there with all my life not that I want him now.

"sorry val but plz love, take care of yourself for me baby you know how worried I was for you right" she said.

"I know mom and I promise I will eat something there now plz let me go I also have to feed my babies and I don't have time as you know" I said

"ofcource your babies is more important for you" mom said as I roll my eyes and walked toward the garden. Where they both are probably playing, well you might think I'm a crazy person as i have them as a pet but for me they are my babies and I know they are wild and we can't have them as a pet but there is a reason they are here, when they are born there mother died cuz of some infection /illness and as they don't have someone to feed them so the people of there put them for some organization but they can't be able to take care of them so they try to sell them, that why mom adopted them. Mom don't want to put them in danger as we don't know who's going to buy them and what they will do with them. It was also the main reason mom adopt them as we will take care of them, after one year we try to release them in forest as they are old enough to survive on there own but they both don't want to be there and they got depressed cuz they both are attached to me so we got them back cuz I can't see them like that so here they are with us.

"aww my babies what are you doing huh" I said as they both came to me as soon as I enter in the garden.

"well here your food my babies, I'm sorry I can't play with you both right now, I'm already late for school" I said sadly I don't want to leave them cuz of the shi- I mean school but mom always been strict for my studies so yeah I have to go there daily arghh I just want to graduate soon, with that I went to school alone cuz mom have to go to office early today as she has an important meeting today.

(that's what I'm wearing.......)


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