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           It's  the time for dinner and I'm going downstairs, I just got woken up by Ray. He come to call me for dinner  as I'm sleeping since 5:00 pm after we  watch movie. I don't know I needed a good sleep which I get. The last time I sleep this peacefully is a week ago.

"hello dada, how are you"  I asked dada and take a seat beside him.

"I'm fine princess are you fine, how's your sleep baby"  dada said.

"good dada after a week I have a peaceful sleep"  I said and serve me dinner to which I thanked her.

"it's good to hear love you don't have to worry your dada is always with you we soon will found who's behind all of this and then he have to pay for his deeds"  dada said.

"I know dada" I said and give dada a small smile and he smile back.

"now stop talking in between we are having dinner"  mama said.

"val can we go to park tomorrow plz, mama don't let me go plz"  Louis said.

" oh baby but you have to ask for mama dada permission only then we can go " I said and he pout.

"mama pllzzzzz let your cute baby go pllzzzzz I will be a good boy to val I will not disturb here promise"  Louis cutely say to mama.

"no baby you can't tomorrow mama and dada have some work and I know you are gonna annoy val so no you are not going"  mama said while feeding him his  food .

"val tell na mama I will be a good boy plzz"  he said giving me his cute puppy eyes which I can't deny.

"it's OK mama I will take care of him let him come with me as no one gonna home tomorrow as ray also has some work tomorrow we both will get bored  alone"  I said to mama.

" fine you can go but if he misbehave you will take him home " mama said

"YAYY we are going to amusement park tomorrow we are gonna have so much fun val"  Louis said while jumping in his seat and then come and give me a hug.

"thanks val for making mama agree"  Louis said and kiss my cheeks.

"it's totally fine love, you don't have to thank me cutie"  I said and pinch his cute chubby cheeks to which he pout.

"val don't pinch my cheeks"  Louis said with his pouty lips.

"but I can't control it love you got a cute pair of cheek my baby"  I said and kiss his cheeks where I pinch earlier.

"Louis are not you gonna invite me"  ray say.

"no I will not I just want to go with val alone you can't come with us it's a date right val"  he said cutely.

"of course love it's a date and you can't come ray, and are you forgetting you have a meeting tomorrow"  I said to Ray.

"I know but you both should invite me atleast it's not like I'm gonna come and you know what val, don't always be with this little devil you're also getting mean like him" ray said.

" I'm not mean ray hump and don't talk to my val she's my girlfriend " Louis said glaring at ray which failed cuz he looking cute.

"ohh am I your girlfriend baby"  I said to Louis to which he blush and hug my neck tightly while saying a small yes to which all of us laugh and he pout.

"you all are mean"  Louis say and again  buried his face in my neck.

"now baby come to mama and finished your food or you will not go to park tomorrow"  mama said and Louis went back to seat and start eating his remaining food.

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