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12 years later.............

         LEONARDO POV..........

              It's been twelve years since my baby was kidnapped, we all changed in those years, I was no longer the mafia boss, now everythings in the hands of sons, Alessandro became the mafia boss, Antonio is studying medical, and the others are still in high-school. I just do our legal work, I still can't find my baby I was such a bad father who can't protect his baby but we don't give up, and I will not till my last breath. I missed her smile, how she kiss my nose, how she take care of her brothers and don't let them fight or how sensitive she is, my innocent baby I just wish she is happy wherever she is.

                   ELENA POV............

               I was in my room tomorrow is my baby fourteenth birthday, I have a surprise gift for my baby she want this but it was dangerous but I know she will take care of it without harming herself, we are also going to spend time together since I don't give my baby some time there was alot of work to do as the rivals of my husband is tracking my phone, I took care of it but I don't to take a risk of my baby safety so and also my husband don't give up on his baby they are trying to track us, I may be a best hacker but he was a mafia, we have to move another  place as he almost find us.

"mom you don't go to your office" my baby said as she enter in the house

"hello to you to my baby" I said and give her a kiss on her forehead.

"sorry, hello mom I was just shocked to see you here this time you was in your office so" my baby said and kissed on my cheeks, I love her and I know she love me to but I was scared, how will she react when she got to know that she has a father and brothers, she always want sibling, I still remember when she was 5 and come to me.


"mama where are you" she said as she enter in the house. " baby I was here " I said and walked toward here to that she was crying.

"what happened love why is my baby crying" I said and wiped her tears, her cheeks and nose were red from crying, she's looking so cute.

"mama you know there was a girl in my class she again bully me, she said that my father probably hate cuz I was ugly and that why he leave us" she say as she start crying hard, I never see her cry that hard, I start rubbing her back.

"oh my love she probably jealous of you because you look like a princess, and how could you think that you are ugly huh, you are my copy baby do you think mama was ugly tell me love" I said and kissed her cheeks my baby was so sensitive and shy that's the reason that everyone try to bully her I always tell her to stand for her self but she think it was rude to do that but I tell her the differences between being rude and stand-up for herself.

"but mama where is my dad you don't tell me anything about him, did he not love me or maybe he also think I'm ugly and fat thats why he leave me" she said and wiped her tears.

"baby listen to me carefully ok, your dad love you more than anything so don't think like that and about his whereabouts you will know when the right time come OK my love" I said

"but mama I also want a dad you know everyone parents come to school to pick them up, and they always tell that they have alot of fun on weekends and they have a brother, mama I also want a brother plz mama"

"baby don't mama love you more than anyone huh and about that, love you know you can't always have whatever you want right , so don't worry you will have everything when the right time come and everyone will treat you like a princess you are" I said.

I also complain about the kids how are bullying my baby and make sure that they transfer them to another school.

FLASH BACK ENDS..............

She's not that sensitive now, she know how to stand for herself, she's also cold toward people she don't know, but not with me she's still a baby for me.

"I know love actually there's not alot of work in office so I thought to take a leave so we spend sometime together" I said

"that's a good idea mom I love you, so should we watch a movie plz mom it's been time since we watched movie together" she said excitedly

"OK my love but first go fresh and come downstairs till then i will make  something for my baby what do you say" I said

"mom I'm not hungry, maybe you should prepare some snacks, popcorn or my favorite chocolate or ice-cream huh"she said,

"ok now go and come fast you don't have time if you don't come on time I will watched movie alone" I said

"Ok mom I will come fast" she said and run upstairs, she don't listen to me at once always running, with I started to prepare everything we need.

           VALENTINA POV...........

        I was so shocked to see mom home cuz usually she was in office at this time so yeah.

I'm in my room getting ready, doing a bit make up cuz of my bruises I have to hide them if mom get to know about it then it will be my last day, she don't like violence a bit and especially when I'm the one doing it, she don't know about my fighting classes I'm having from my best friend raphael he was two year older than me we became friends when he helped me as someone was trying to kiddnap me I don't tell this to mom till now, nor that I'm going to well so he think that I should know some self-defense, I also want to be an assassin and I know he was the heir of French mafia, in the beginning I was scared that he was mafia but he was a big teddy bear for me, mom know that he was my friend but she don't know that he the heir of French mafia, so yeah he's giving me classes and he say I was good at fighting but just need more self-defense tips and a bit practice, I just wished mom don't got to know about that, I can't keep a secret from my mom so yeah with that I'm done with all of the concealer things I don't like make up I'm a natural beauty so I don't need it, I'm not like other girl's who's favorite color was pink or who love to wear dresses especially tight and short, I don't understand how can they wear these types of dresses, I like to wear baggy clothes, hoddies and yep I hate heels well not hate but I don't feel comfortable in it.

I'm downstairs right now and we are watching movie while cuddling and eating some snacks well most likely ice-cream. Just then a scene came where all of the family having picnic, enjoying, talking and teasing each other's. I always dream to have a family like that but mom don't tell me anything about my dad she just say I will know when it was a right time, but I don't care now, I mean when he don't even care about his daughter and was not here with us so why would I care right?, maybe he cheated on mom and have another family now I don't know and don't care, I don't need him now.

I have a necklace of heartbeat ever since I'm the baby I don't know who gifted me this but it's my everything whenever I get nervous or angry I start playing with it, I also have a ring since then maybe mom gifted me this when I was the baby.

Tomorrow was my fourteenth birthday I was so excited when mom tell me we are going to spend time together, i love her more than myself, she raise me, she was there when I need, she's my life I can do anything for her. She always make sure that I'm happy, eaten, she don't think about herself, she deserve everything in this world, I just wished to make her proud.

Soon we both fell asleep while watching movies.

(she don't know that there is a surprise waiting for her tomorrow from her mom)

(Thankyou guys for your support, I'm very thankful for all of you who vote, but plz share vote and share as much as you can and also tell you feedback about everything till now)

So what do you think hard surprise is:


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