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The day of her first birthday.........

                 ELENA  POV........

           Today is the first birthday of my baby all preparations are done. I just wake up and came downstairs and there are my baby.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE" I said and kiss her cheeks.  "tnk u mama" she said.  " are you ready to cut the cake and meet all the family my love" I asked her.  "yes mama and gifts" she asked,

"yes baby you can also receive alot of gifts" I said.

"mama gio buy me a gift but he not let me see it" she said while pouting. "is it true gio baby" I asked my son.

"mama don't call me that only my dove is allowed to call me that" he said as he snatched her from Alessandro and start tickling her.

"ok love but tell us what you buy for her"  I asked.  "mom it is a surprise" he said.

"ok now Alessandro tell me is baby's cake ready" I said as he was the one who order the cake as he said it's a surprise for val.   "yes mama" he said.

"mama can I see the cake" my love ask. "no baby it's a surprise for you and I'm sure you will love it" I said


         LEONARDO   POV........

        We all are in the living room waiting for the rest of family while my princess is in my arm. Just then they all enter.

"where are my baby give her to me" my mom said as she snatched valentina from my arm. " mom please be gentle" I said.

"nonna where are my hugs" my youngest son Francisco said.  "oh my baby come here" my mom said while giving valentina to papa as he start kissing her face to which she giggle and kissed his cheeks in return.

" ok now if all greetings are done let get ready so we could cut the cake,  OK now  give my princess to me so we start getting ready" I said.

"dada like belle"  she ask.  "yes my dove  like belle now come to gio so you can have gift" giovanni said. 

"gio gift"she said. "yes dove your gift now close your eyes love so I can go get it from my room" he said.  "ok gio"  she said while closing her eyes.

          Some minutes later giovanni come downstairs with two dresses while covering it.

"OK dove open your eyes please" he said as he let cover fall from it and there is the dress of belle her favorite princess, she quickly opened her  eyes and gasp.

"gio it's so beautiful I love it,  it's my favorite gift" she said while the rest of my family is glaring at him cuz of jealousy ofcourse as she it's was her favorite

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"gio it's so beautiful I love it,  it's my favorite gift" she said while the rest of my family is glaring at him cuz of jealousy ofcourse as she it's was her favorite.

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