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(Sorry for my mistakes in advance and please vote share alot and also comments) ☺🤗❣️💌

"oh look like our guest wake up,  don't you have anything to say huh ex donna." he said as he came and stand in front of me.

"you" I said.

"why I'm here"  I said while looking into his eyes.

"oh so you already forgot I told you we will meet soon or....... do you want me to first meet your little princess as we are talking about her, how do think she will after knowing that she's has a father who's mafia king or we say ex, let forgot about everything you tell me  your last wish as it's your last minutes in this world." he said as start laughing like crazy.

"are you done" I said emotionlessly.

"oh still in attitude I see well it's suit you ex donna but not when you are going to die and it's your last chance to fulfill your last wish." he said.
( I guess you all get it who he is but for formality yes he is D.V the villan of our story so let's continue)......

"you want to know what my last wish is right, so listen I WANT TO KILL YOU AS MY REVENGE FOR RUINING MY HAPPY FAMILY YOU ASSHOLE." I said

"really your family who hate you for betraying them or who hate you for Separating their princess from them, the first girl of LOMBARDI FAMILY who born after ages, you know not their fault as I also don't think you will do something like this well well well let forget everything you don't have much time left so I want to tell you after you die today, I'm going to ruined and than after kill your sweet happy family and the first one who I'm gonna kill will be your little daughter, you know why cuz I want to hear their scream when I'm killing her and they can't be able to do anything about it,  I want to see the fear in their eyes, I want them to beg to  let their princess go but nothing can stop me"  he said.

"I dare you to say this after you set me free from this"  I said pointing toward the chains around me.

"I'm not a fool you think I'm,  you want me to free you from this so you can kill me haha, if don't have a wish so let's get this done fast I'm not that heartless to let you wait huh, COME IN."  he said as two of his man came inside with lots of different torture tools.

             VALENTINA    POV.........

"ray it's 5 am and there's no clue of mom where the hell she is."I said more like yell.

"love calm down we are searching for her you don't have to worry we will find her soon." he said trying to calm me down.

"but ray it the last place where her car were seen and it look like it's just dissappear, there is not even a single thing that can lead us to where mom is, whoever did this they don't leave something which can help us to know who they are and they want, and I don't even get a call from someone if they kidnapped her to blackmail me." I said with a sigh.

"val we will find her, let me call mom dad maybe they find something"  he said

               ELENA   POV..........

                 I'm on the floor without chains lying in the pool of my own blood as it coming out of the cuts he made.

"ohh look what we have here, is it  hurting  but I don't think it is, right donna I mean ex, can I tell you one interesting thing well it's related to your sweet husband, I know you don't have any news about as you don't try to look so you don't get hurt, so listen do you know that your husband got remarried, shocking right oh are you hurt but I think you deserve to know that before you die."  he said.

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