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               VALENTINA POV.........

                      I enter in mom's room everything is well organized, mom alway make sure to do it even though she has alot of work yet she managed everything perfectly how I'm going to do everything on my own. I still can't believe that mom is not here with me,there are a lot of things I have to tell her.

              I walk in her closet in hope that   maybe I can find something useful for me, related to the incident maybe she have some business rivals or something, I was about to open it when  ray shout my name from downstairs.

"VAL CAN YOU COME DOWN FOR A SECOND PLZ" he shout for me to come.

" WHAT IS IT RAY JUST TELL ME I'M DOING SOMETHING " I said and after some seconds he come in with his half broken phone which he newly bought but how did it happened well I think I know how it happened.

"you see it love, look what they both did to my new phone I just bought it"  he said.

"ray I know you just bought it but what happened to it"  I ask confused how did it break.

" ohh you should ask your babies they were the reason it's in this shape and now they are not even giving me the other piece val it have my sim card in it, ahhh they are testing my patience love " he said and he plop down on my bed looking tired.

              What can I do they both love to tease him.

"ray it okay, it's not like you can't buy another one" I said as I sit besides him.

"I know sweetheart but I lost count of how many phones I have lost cuz both of them" he said with a cute pout and put his head on my lap as he buried his face in my stomach.

"ray don't do it, it's tickling and you know how ticklish I'm"  I said and he stop doing it.

"but val at least tell them to give the other side as well, I don't know where the f**k  they hide it"

"okay get up let's go downstairs I will talk  to them, they are getting naughty day by day"  I said and we both went to the living room they both were laying down.

" dexter give ray his other piece of phone now " I said but both of them were laying there like they don't hear me.

"dexter, snow don't you both hear me go and bring me the other piece of it now"  I said sternly as they both went to  bring it from wherever they hide it.

               if you think I'm crazy to talk to animals like that you can but for me they are like my little babies.

"love don't be mad they both were just playing we both know they love to hide things.

"I know ray but it's fifth time they both did it"  I said and take a seat beside him.

"and we both know why they both were doing it"  he said

"and may I know why" 

"val they were missing you, they  missed how you play with them, how you spend time with them, it's not there fault that mom is not here it's been only two day and you are being reserved  val,  you have to understand it's not your freaking fault" ray said sound frustrated.

"I know ray and I'm not blaming myself anymore, I'm just trying to look for some clues which will lead me  to the culprit"  I said

"and stressing yourself, don't I tell you that I'm with you and we will find whoever is it together, you have to be relax before we do something cuz you will not be able to concentrate which will not do something good for us so now relax and forgot about whatever happened and before I forget listen mom call me and tell that we have to go there cuz mama is worried about you and she want to be with you but cuz of your cutie she can't come and he's also missing you so yeah mom say that we should be there in the morning"  he said.

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