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The next day.........


             VALENTINA   POV

              I just woke up feeling refresh, I got the best sleep and then I start getting ready, today I'm going to mom company as the lawyer was coming there cuz of property transfer.

            As mom is not here so I will take over the company and whatever she have, my thoughts broke as someone knock on my door.

"come in" I said while fixing my dress as I'm now ready to leave now.

"val baby are you ready"  mama said.

"mama I told you before you don't have to knock, you can come without my permission you don't need it, and yes I'm ready"  I said.

"ohh love I know I can come in without knocking but I know everyone has some privacy, well let's forgot about it tell me are you good"  mama said and sit besides me in my bed.

"yes mama you don't have to worry, I'm going to mom company I will handle everything"  I said.

"I know baby but as your mama it's my duty to check if either my baby is ok or not"  mama said.

"I'm totally fine"  I said.

"okay let's go I already prepared breakfast"  mama said.

"mama I'm sorry but I will eat in company"  I said.

"hey there young lady, you are not going till you eat so the choice is all yours"  mama said as she walk out of the room.

          I went behind her to the dinning area where ray is having his breakfast.

"morning sweetheart are you going somewhere"  ray said.

"yes I'm going to mom's company"  I said.

"you want me to come"  he asked.

"no need ray I'm fine and you also have work if you're forgetting"  I said and take a seat.

"work is not important than my baby"  he said as he pinch my cheek.

"ray don't do this"  I said

"OK little baby"  he said and continue with his breakfast.

"you both stop talking and teasing each other or else you both wil be late"  mama said also taking a seat next to me as continue with our breakfast.

         We are done with our breakfast and now I'm leaving for office.

"bubble come I will drop you there"  ray said.

"it's ok I will go on my own you go or else you will be late" I said.

"I have time bubble come I will drop you" he said as he opened his car door for me.

"thanks ray" I said as I sit in his car and he start driving towards mom's office.

"bubble just call me if you need me ok love" he said.

"I will ray but what with those nicknames huh, I told you thousand of times to stop calling me with those I'm not a baby anymore"  i said.

"oh really are you sure you're not a baby anymore love cuz last time I checked you fight with me cuz I eat your favorite chocolate and after that you cried for hours until dad bought you a box of it and you ignore me for a week as a punishment  and you're saying that you're not a baby, nice joke love" he said.

"don't tease me now" I said.

"as you say bubble"  he said.

"here you go love, remember I'm only a call away from you ok"  he said as we reached office.

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