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Few months later.....

               LEONARDO  POV....

       I was sleeping when my princess start poking my cheeks probably trying to wake me up, but I pretend to sleep then she start kissing my face, then I opened my eyes and she start giggling.

"what are you trying to do love" I said, as I start tickling her, she start laughing "dada s-stop" she said.

"OK now tell dada what are you doing"  I said. "vatin u" (waking you) she said.

"well congratulations love you wake me up" i said and kissed her cheeks in return she also kiss my nose like always, I don't know why but she is obsessed with my nose, kissing it or either bitting it.

"where is your mama baby" I asked her to which she shake her head indicating that she don't know. "then let's get ready and go downstairs OK my baby" i said to her, "Otay"  (okay)  she said. 

We get ready and went downstairs to where my boys, and my queen are.

"finally you both came" my wife said as she kissed on my cheek and carry our daughter to dinning table where all our sons are. "I just set the table now come and have your breakfast"  she said as she start feeding our daughter and our little son Francisco.

"mama I can eat by myself I'm a big boy now"  Francisco say. "okay then,  but I want your plate finished"  my wife said "OK mom" he said and we all start eating our breakfast.

                ELENA   POV.....

     I was in the living room with my baby Tina,  boys are in schools and my husband went to his office, finally I have my baby now, it is the only time I can have her. We are watching cartoons, she like Belle from beauty and the was her favorite animated movie.

"so baby are you excited for your birthday"  I said. "burtday"  she asked while blinking her beautiful eyes confusingly. "yes baby birthday when you can make a wish,  cut the cake,  and receive alote of gifts"  I tell her to which her eyes lit up at the name of cake, she has a sweet tooth,  she like eating candies, cake,  specially chocolate and ice-cream.

"mama coco cake"  she ask, she love chocolate cake. "yes baby coco cake and you will dress like  a princess"  I said.  " like Belle " she asked, " yes baby like Belle and your grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunties and brothers will also come to celebrate your first birthday " I said.

" mama I mish them"(miss)  she said.  She love all of them. And it's been months since they came here. "oh baby I know you miss them they also missed you that's why they are coming tomorrow, so don't be sad love, you know  no one like to see you sad right?" I said and she nodded her head. 

" I lobe burtday mama" (love, birthday) she said. " oh my baby you are so cute and innocent please always be like that " I said." Otay mama " she said.

             LEONARDO  POV......

            Tomorrow is my princess birthday all the preparation are done and my family was also coming tomorrow to celebrate her birthday.  Now I'm in the mall so I can buy a present for my princess but I think I make a mistake to come here alone without my wife, I don't know what to   buy for her. It's been an hour I was roaming around here and there I don't like a single thing, may be I can buy her a necklace or something like that, I think and enter in the jewelry shop to find something unique for my love.

Finally I find something. Matching for me and my princess, I think it's perfect and cute for my baby.

    it's cute, for me and my baby and I have another thing in my mind for my love I think it will be perfect for her, she can wear it all the time so she can have it when I'm not there

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    it's cute, for me and my baby and I have another thing in my mind for my love I think it will be perfect for her, she can wear it all the time so she can have it when I'm not there.

               GIOVANNI   POV......

             I just came home from school, I was tired as hell and my dove was nowhere to seen. Just then my mom enter in the living room. "hello mom how are you" I said. "fine love but you seems tired my baby"  mom said and kissed my forehead. "mom I'm not a baby and please don't kiss" I said. " you will always be my baby ok now tell me if want to eat something I will make it for you" mom said.

" mama I don't want anything just tell me where are my dove " I said, I missed her she's my life I can't live without her "she's sleeping in my room, now go and take a nice bath then go to her she's missing her brothers and where are my others baby"  mom said. " don't know mom i don't care I just want to see my dove  bye mom I'm going " I said, and go to my room to take a bath so I can finally see my baby sis, I love her and can do anything for her.

I'm in my mom and dad's room to see my dove she's sleeping like an angle she is, so cute. "gio you com"she said as she wake up. "yes dove I was missing my baby so I think I can came to see you"  I said " I Mish u too gio " she said

" oh my baby now I'm here right so tell me are you excited for your birthday " I said. "yes gio I can eat cake I lobe burtday"  she said, ofcourse why not she love sweets. " yes dove you can and  you can meet all our family they miss you,  now tell me what you want baby a gift for your birthday" I said. " hum  a chotlate" ( chocolate )  she said. " no baby you can have chocolate whenever you want but it's your birthday OK so you have to tell me something special that you want" I said.

" donno gio". She said looking frustrated probably cuz she can't understand what she want. "ok love you don't have to be sad I know a perfect gift and I'm sure you'll like it"  I said.

" really tell me gio". she said excitedly. " well it's a surprise love you can see it tomorrow". I said. "I mad at gio". she said trying to ignore me.

"oh is my dove mad at me" I said  "yes I'm mad at gio" she said. "oh I see" I said with that I start tickling her and she burst out laughing. "gio stop" she said. "no baby first say gio is my favorite brother"  I said.  "gio is my best brother now stop gio or I will tell dada" she said.  "are you trying to blackmail me my love" I said and kissed her cute chubby cheeks. "no gio" she said while giggling.

" OK love let's go downstairs and have lunch I'm hungry my cute little dove" I said. 

"let's go gio I'm hungry to and can I have ice-cream please gio,  mama and  bubba not let me have ice-cream"  she said and pout.  "aww my baby it's bcz so you can't be sick but we can have it secretly ok and but only one scoop" I said.  "OK gio thank you, I love you" she said and kiss my cheeks. "OK dove let's go downstairs". I said with that we both went downstairs.


Hello readers!....

I hope you all are fine please vote, comment and share......

Please tell me if you have some suggestions and if I make mistakes I will try to be better.

     WORD OF THE DAY.........

IRENIC:  promoting peace.
( adj. )

   Thank-you and be safe.... ☺😊😇🤗


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