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            LEONARDO   POV...........

         I'm on my way to the warehouse. It's been months I last visit here soon we reached there as I step out of the car guards bow to me in respect to which I nod at them and went in the warehouse.

" dad you here everything good " my oldest son asked.

" all good just want to be sure that everything is in control,  so how is it going " I said.

" good dad just working on our next shipment,  let's go the office "he said then we went to his office.

Hours later.........

We are in the office discussing about the business when my phone start ringing as I look at the number it's unknown,  making me think who can it be. I pick up the call after second ring .

On the call...........

L= Leonardo, P= police officer.

L-  Hello who is it.

P-  Hello sir I'm talking from police 
     station in California, am I talking
     with Mr Leonardo Lombardi.

L-  yes it's me Leonardo, how can I help

P-  We want to confirm about the
     report you submit, about your
     daughter being kidnapped.

L-  Yes what about it.

P-  actually sir we found the girl
      like you described in the report ,
      actually her mother is no more and
      she's is not 18 so we're looking for
      her background or family when we
      found you,  but we're not sure so if
      you can come here we will do the
      DNA  TEST to make sure she's your
      daughter,  please let us know if you
      are willingly to take her in.

I got freeze after he say he found my princess. We finally found her I can't believe I'm gonna Meer my princess soon,  I'm sure she is my princess, our light  I'll bring her home where she belong with us. My thoughts broke by the officer.

P-  hello, hello Mr Lombardi are you

L-  Yes,  sorry I got lost in thoughts.

P-  So Mr Lombardi please let us know
      if you're gonna take her in.

L-  ofcourse I'm gonna take her in,  I
      will be there tomorrow prepare
      whatever you need.

P-   OK sir then I will prepare the
       documents,  have a good day sir

End of the call...............

          ALESSANDRO  POV.........
                  As dad was talking on the phone his expression shift from shock to excitement,  I don't know with whom dad is talking to, soon he cut the call.

" who is it dad " I asked dad.

" it's from a police station of California they found her " dad said making me confused.

" whom they found dad" I said.

" our princess,  our light valentina " dad said,  tears welded up in his eyes.

" dad are you sure it's true and not some type of prank right " I said.

" it's true aless they found her they say she is just like how we describe about her in the report,  but want to confirm so I'm gonna go there for the DNA TEST" dad said.

" then I will go with you dad,  now you go home and rest, and dad please don't tell anyone we shouldn't get there hopes high " I said, soon dad left for home.

        I tell my men's to prepare the plane as we gonna leave for California tomorrow,  we can't go today cuz of some weather issues.

Time skip at night...........

        I just done taking a shower and changed into some sweatpant and shirt I try to sleep but can't maybe in excitement so I decided to went to my Stella room.

       I'm here in Stella room it's just like the day she left,  no one allowed in here except dad and boys ( her brothers). I pick up the photo frame from her night stand it's a photo of us ( brothers) and dad running behind her  while she running with her beautiful laugh echo in our mansion.

             Finally she gonna come home after years,  we all miss her no matter how hard we try to show that we moved on but deep down we all know we can't she's our light,  our sunshine it got dark here after the day she left but finally she's coming home,  what if she forgot us  forget me,  no she can't and even if she forgot us we will make her remember our beautiful moments, with that I take the photo frame to my room and sleep while hugging it.

Next day in morning............

          After having our breakfast we left for California.

We are in our private jet and I can't stop thinking about the moments she share with me they keep coming in my mind, soon the plane landed in California.

We went straight to the police station.

          They take dad's blood for the DNA TEST  and we are waiting in the cabin for results.

Time skip night............

            We are waiting for the results to come,  when the officer who takes dad blood enter in the cabin with results.

" congratulations Mr Lombardi the results come,  she indeed is your daughter " the officer said dad eyes got teary I hugged him.

" tell me her address I want to meet my daughter now. " dad said.

" don't worry about it sir we already informed her she will be here soon. " officer said and left the cabin.

It's been hour we are waiting for her but why is she not here yet my thoughts broke as someone enter in the cabin.....................



Hello bubbles! 

Hope you all are doing great
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story so far please let me know.

And please vote if you like it and want it to be continued cuz I really want to continue it but don't know if I can I'm not feeling motivated so please ☺ give your feedbacks.

And from now I'm gonna set target so.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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