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The next day............

           ELENA    POV.........

                I'm just done making breakfast for us, and my baby Tina is not awake yet so I went to her room to wake her up and here she sleeping peacefully,  it's been days and I'm noticing change in her behavior it's like, there is something she's not telling me, or maybe I'm just overthinking it and there nothing like that but I'm her mom I have a feeling that there is something I don't know, I will talk to her about that.

"Tina baby wake up you have to go to school,  it's getting late my love" I said

"mom plz only 5 mins"  she said  and went back to sleep.

"val you don't have time wake up"  I said and she finally leave her bed.

"get ready fast and come downstairs for breakfast and I don't want any of your excuses I already set the table and also feed your babies" I said.

"thanks mom you are the best you go down I will come fast after getting ready "  she said with that I went downstairs.

            VALENTINA      POV.........

                  I came downstairs after getting ready.

"mom are you going office today"  I asked her while eating my pancakes.

"how many times do I have to tell you that don't talk while eating but you never listen and yes I'm going, why something is wrong"  mom said.

"sorry and nothing is wrong mom it's just that I don't have a positive feelings about today can you plz take a day off and don't go out today"  I said hopefully that she will say yes.

"I can't take a day off today val,  I have an important meeting and don't worry everything is fine love"  mom said.

"but mom I am not feeling good" I said, I don't feel good since morning I just don't want anything happens to mom I love her alot, she's my only family and Ray also say that someone did the background check on her what if someone trying to get her cuz of me.

I snapped out of my thought when I hear my mom shout.

"val......  val...   VAL  are you even listing,  what happen love do you not feel good" mom said

"nothing mom I am fine, I should leave it's getting late" I said.

"OK love take care"  mom said while giving me hug and kisses on my cheeks.

"bye mom" I said and walk out of the house as I'm getting late for school.


               ELENA  POV.......

           I'm getting ready for the meeting   as it was an important one and I have to attend it at any cost,  I'm also not feeling good about today as val said but I have to go, soon I got done and went toward the office in hurry.

"good morning mam you came on time  they (business partner) just come."  my  secretary said.

"that good than let's go." I said as we went to the meeting room.

          VALENTINA  POV..........

           I'm in my classroom, on the last bench sleeping peacefully when the bell ring  disturbing my sleep.

Now I'm sitting in cafeteria when a boy come to me and ask "excuse me  ummh can I sit here" he said.

I don't say anything just glare at him as he flinch only by that as I continue reading the book as he left from here.

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