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                   ELENA POV...........

I woke up its a midnight I think it's a great time for leaving, all of them are sleep, I don't want to leave my other babies but I don't want all of them to put in danger if she won't be here he will not come to attack it's not like she is our weakness but we can do anything for her, she's our princess no one want see her hurt. I trust my husband to protect her but I know if there is a war we also end up getting hurt and I don't want something happen to my love.

I walked toward my first son Alessandro room he was sleeping, tears build up in my eyes i don't want to leave my babies but it's the only way I have I kissed his forehead, I don't know if I will be able to see any of them ever again but it's okay as long as my babies are safe,

next I went toward Antonio room my baby is looking so cute while sleeping I just wish they will be safe the rest of there life with that I kissed his forehead and went toward giovanni room, and here is my big baby just like his dad maybe a bit cold but a softy in inside, I just pray that they will forgive me from what I'm about to do.

I'm in twins room right now I kissed both of them in forehead and walk back toward my room here is the love of my life my husband, I love him more than anything yet I'm going to break his heart, he will heartbroken but, I don't even realize that I'm crying till the tear reached my cheeks, I can't control and a sob left my mouth thinking about they're going to hate me for rest of there life, but as long as they are safe it's worth it, with that I kissed my husband and Francisco temple then I write a note that they don't have look for us, they will not find us, we are safe where we are, and it's was the right thing to do, with that I pack a small bag with our necessaries, I will buy other things when we reached our destination.

I pick valentina up in my arms carefully to not make any sound, she have her stuff toys with her, and I don't want her to wake up she will probably cry, she also love them alot, I don't know how she's going to behave after waking up.

I look at the house one last time before, I'm going to miss them alot and also this house I have alot of beautiful memories in it, with that I wiped my tears off and go out from backyard, soon I reached airport my flight is here, we settled in plane I'm glad my baby still sleeping or I don't know how I'm going to explain all of this to her, soon the plane take off.

                LEONARDO POV..........

I wake up as the sun rays hit my face just to see my little boy sleeping soundly, I kissed his forehead and turn toward my princess side just to see it empty, my wife and my princess both are not there. Maybe they both already went downstairs, I wake my son up. "Francisco hey champ wake-up buddy go to your room and fresh -n-up and meet me downstairs ok buddy" I said.

"OK dad but where is buttercup and mama" he said. "buddy I think they already went downstairs so let's get ready fast ok" I said

Soon we reached toward dining table I don't know why but I'm not feeling good about something from tomorrow, I don't know what I just want to see my princess right now. when we enter all of my sons are here except my wife and my princess.

"Alessandro son where are your mom and sister baby"I asked my elder son.
"dad, mom was not here are not she's in both of your room with stella" Alessandro said.

"no when I wake up she wasn't there, we have to look for them all of you go check your rooms" i said, with that they all went to search there mom and sister, where are I don't want to think anything worse but arghh

I called the guards, and tell them to search mansion for them.

We search the whole mansion but there are not any sign of them I also asked the if they see them going out of house but they say they don't see them outside, I was so worried what if it's Russians work what if they have them, I mean I having threats that they will  have my princess, no it can't be I can't lose them I promised to them.

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