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                I was in my office, handling my legal business today, there are some meeting I have to attend. I own hotels, casino, malls, restaurants as my legal business. It is an hectic day I can't wait to go home and spend time with my family. " boss the meeting is going to start"my assistant said, we walk out of the office to the meeting room.

                 ELENA   POV....

         I was in the kitchen making food for all of us, as it's almost the dinner time, we have maids to do all the chores of the house but today I want to make dinner by myself  bcz all of my children like it, specially my husband. I was cooking , when my son giovanni came into the kitchen carrying his sister.

"mama Antonio was tickling dove, he's hurting her I'm not giving dove to him". Giovanni said.

"mama I'm just playing with her". Antonio said with a pout. "giovanni love he wasn't hurting her he was just playing" I said.

"but mama dove has tears in her eyes" giovanni said "baby it's cuz of laughing okay and Antonio now you're not going to tickle her. Am I clear?" I said to both of them. "yes mama"  they said together.

"now go both of you and play with her ok and don't make her cry" i said and they both walk out of the kitchen to the living room where others are playing.

                        Giovanni is always possessive about his sister sorry dove like he called her. Sometimes he don't want to share her with anyone even with me. He take care of her. I'm so proud of my sons they always protect their baby sister and don't like to see tears in her eyes.  She also love playing with them, she's so talkative I mean she talk in her baby language but she can't say any clear word till now Alessandro and Giovanni always try to make her say their name but she can't,, I'm sure soon she will say her first word bcz all of the time giovanni try to make her say his name. I'm done with my cooking and walk in the living room, where all my children were playing. Alessandro have Valentina this  time and was kissing her everywhere on her face to which she's laughing in response, just then my husband came  in the living room.

             LEONARDO   POV.....

          Finally I reached home. I walk toward the living room where I think my family is, and here they are my lovely children playing with each other and also my queen sitting there. I walk toward her.

"hello Mia regina"i said as I kissed her forehead. "hello amore"she said with kissed on my cheek in return.i turned toward my kids to greet them.

"hello my babies" I said and picked up my princess as I kissed her cute chubby cheeks she giggled in return and kiss my nose. "hello my principessa what did you do all day huh I hope no one mess with my love right boys" I said and she just smile.

"dad antonio make the dove cry" my son giovanni said. I narrowed my eyes at Antonio for the reply "I'm sorry dad I was just playing with her" he sounded guilty.

"well then next time be careful"  I said to which my princess start clapping in return,looks like she's happy that I scold him.

"let's eat" my wife said and we make our toward the dinning area everyone sit on their places, valentina is on her mother lap as she's feeding valentina here baby food,soon we all finished with our food and return to the living room

                  All of the kids start playing when suddenly my principessa scream. "gio" she called for giovanni. I was shocked to hear my princess first word was gio,  she say giovanni name, giovanni was so happy he always want that she said his name as her first word. He starts spinning her and she start laughing, we all are happy cuz she finally say her first word but also sad that she don't say our name all my sons became jealous of giovanni even Alessandro he also want her to say his name and gio was teasing all of them. When she say her second word "bubba"  she called for Alessandro and he was on cloud 9 that she finally say his name. And finally she called me "dada".

"finally princess I thought you forget your dada". She smile at me and kissed my nose, it was her habit she always kissed my nose. I smiled and kissed her cheeks."OK if you all are done just go to your beds" my wife said. "good night mama papa" all of our sons said and go to their beds,and we also went to our room with my princess.

                 "good night Mia Regina". i said and kissed her and my princess forehead. 

"goodnight my princess"  I said. "Dada"  my princess said. "yes dada princess" I smiled at her she finally called me dada it was my dream that my princess call me dad which became true,with that we fall asleep.


          WORD OF THE DAY..

LUCENT:  softly bright and radiant.

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               THANKYOU 🤗😇.....

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