918 31 1

                  As soon as he left the room I opened the letter just to see......

            Just to see  something which I'm scared of.

          It was not a normal or something work related but a threat letter.

In letter.......

Finally I found out the lost princess who got kidnapped by her own lovely mother, I was confused to whom I meet first, ex donna or our sweet little princess, what do you say how will she react to the news when she know that she has a family father,  brothers,  aunts, uncle, grandpa and grandma a big family what will be her reaction and especially when she got to know that she was kidnapped by her own mother huh, and you better start counting your days now,  and about the princess I have some other plans for her.

Watch your back


end of the letter..........


                     I'm so scared right now not cuz he will tell her about what happened years ago but the reason is that he finally found us I don't care whatever he will do with me but I don't want my baby to get hurt by that person,  I don't even want to think about that.

     I broke all the things in my office it's something I'm scared of he was the reason I leave my family behind cuz I don't want them to get hurt and I can do anything for them to be safe even if I have to sacrifice my own life for them,  and now that he return in our life's I don't want val to be drag in this I tried my best to make her out of this mess but now what will I do,  she was a curious person if she see something a bit strange she surely will try to investigate it and what if she get to know about that she has a big family which she always want and I separate her for them, will she forgive me I don't want my baby to hate me, no I can't let her know.

                the ringing of my phone broke the chain of my thought, it's from my baby val.

On the call.........

VAL.                                                 ELENA.

"hello mom,  when you are coming home it's getting late"  she said.

"I'm on my way val don't worry go to sleep you have a school tomorrow" I said

"okay mama but come fast and drive safely bye" she said

"bye baby,  goodnight"

"goodnight mom"

Call ended.........


     with that I went home,  to see a complete silence and light off, I got scared thinking about what if Russian did something with that I run toward val room.

        I took a breath which I just noticed that got stuck just thinking about something happened to my baby   I will never forgive myself if something happen to my val.

          Here she sleeping peacefully like a baby I kissed her forehead and went to my room.

            VALENTINA     POV.........

           we just come home,  I mean me and my babies after having so much fun,  I order pizza for my self and went  to my room to get fresh while my order is not here.

           I'm in the living room watching some random movie on NETFLIX, while enjoying some pizza and both dexter and snow were laying on the couch one on my right and one on my left side eyes glued to the TV.

               I'm done with my dinner now I have to call max the head of my security team.

On the call..............
(max:M,  val :V)

M-  hello boss

V-  hmm now come to the topic I would like to know,  why I get to know that there was someone who tried to track us and especially my mom from someone else while my security team don't even call me to let me know.

M- s-sorry boss but we just don't want you to get worried as you are quite busy.

Well it's true cuz there are also of work these day not mafia work but my legal work I own, my hotels,  cafe's,  malls, and my jewelry business I love to design jewelry but I do it when I want, our brand was quite popular but the jewelry design was not mine most of them design by my workers there and I give all the credit to them, I only design once in the year so yeah.

V- now tell the who is the person I have to deal with.

M- boss sorry we try our best but there is not even a single information about whoever it is.

Well if you are thinking so yes they call me boss.

V-  I think that I need to hire a new team as you all became useless.

M- boss sorry but don't do it,  we really try our best but, sorry boss.

With that I cut the call

Call ended...........



         who can it be I don't want mom to be in danger cuz of some mafia problem, there are alot of mafia who want me to be in there mafia but I reject there offer so some of them were  trying to kill me,  I don't know why I just them and they are not even that powerful they can't be able do anything to me but mom what if they try to harm her.

          As I'm thinking about it I noticed that it's getting late and mom is not home yet,  she also busy these days which is good for me to go to my company and Cafe as there are alot of work. Yes she also don't know about my legal business and I well tell her soon then I don't have  to lie to her anymore. I call mom to ask when she is coming and she say she will come soon, as her work is almost Done with that I cut the call and went to bed to sleep so I can wake up early tomorrow cuz tomorrow is Monday and I have to go to school.


Thanks cuties for reading this story,  hope you like it,  there is alot of twists waiting for you......

WORD OF THE DAY..............

EUNOIA:  beautiful thinking.
( noun )

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Thank you for reading bye be safe☺❣️💌

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