Truth or Dare - Chapter 1

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No ones POV:

It was a snowy Thursday evening, the sky midnight blue and snow lightly falling from the sky to the ground followed by a cool breeze. Robert and Ross were on their way to Roy's house to hang out.

"I wonder why Roy wants us to hang at his house, y'know since his parents are super strict." Robert said halfway there.

"Roy told me he's grounded, maybe that's why we're going to his," Ross responded. "His parents probably don't know we're going so we should stay on the low."

Robert nodded in agreement and the boys both continued walking, chatting about school.


Ross' POV:

About ten minutes later we finally arrive at Roy's massive house. Now for the tricky part, getting inside.

"Any ideas?" I ask Robert, turning to look at him.

"Hmmm.. Oh! We could climb the tree in his backyard and jump to his window!" he suggests.

The idea sounded pretty dangerous, but considering I can't come up with anything better I give him a thumbs up. We both jump over the fence of Roy's backyard and walk to the tree in front of Roy's room. Robert threw a rock at his window to let Roy know we're here and about five seconds later he appeared and opened it.

"Hurry up, I don't want the cold air in my room!" he yells at us. Me and Robert look at each other and nod.

"You go first, so if you fall I can catch you." Robert says.

"But who's gonna catch you if you fall?" I ask, kind of concerned.

"Trust me, I won't fall. I've climbed lots of trees before." he answers with a smirk.

"If you say so.."

I put my hands on the tree and start to climb it, it was kind of hard though. I reached near the top and got ready to grab the next branch until my foot slipped, causing me to lose balance. I tried to regain it but was failing miserably. Robert noticed and held his arms out.

"Just fall, I'll catch you!" he says reassuringly.

Not wanting to go down, I continue to try and regain balance until I finally completely lost it and fell. Damn it, I climbed all this way just to have to go back down? How annoying. I kept falling until finally I landed in Robert's arms. Sheesh, that was a long fall, I didn't realize how high I was.

"You alright?" Robert asks, looking down at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine... Damn it I was almost there!" I answer, mumbling the last bit.

We chuckle at eachother and hear Roy yell, "My room is getting cold, hurry the hell up!"

"We're- I'm trying Roy! It's not that easy y'know!" I yell back.

"Doesn't look like you are, when are you gonna get up from Robert's arms?!"

Me and Robert look at each other in embarrassment and I quickly jump out of his arms. "Sorry, I should've put you down." he apologizes.

"No I'm sorry, I should've got up." I apologize back.

I walk back to the tree and I took a moment to prepare myself for how exhausting it's going to be to climb all the way back up. Then finally I put my hands back on the tree and start to carefully climb it. Except halfway through Roy got really impatient.

"God damn it you're so slow! Forget it, stay there!" he grumbles. He shuts the window closed and disappears into his room.

I look down at Robert so he would get ready to catch me but he was already on it. I lean back and let myself fall down once again into Robert's arms.

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