Packing Up - Chapter 32

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Roberts POV:

John dropped us back at school, but he walked us inside so we wouldn't get in trouble. The rest of the hours in suspension were horrible, but eventually we made it, the final bell of the day ringing at last.

"Alright, you kids are free to go." the teacher told us, grabbing his own belongings and walking out the door.

We all immediately bolted outside, excited to head to Ross' house to pack up my stuff. Until—

"Crap, I forgot I have to go to that business class." Roy complained.

We all frowned. "Dude, why'd you agree to take some dumb business class?" Ross questioned.

"Well it's better than being grounded! I'll meet you guys in a bit, classes I think are only a half hour." he explained, waving bye to us before running back inside.

Me and Ross began to make our way to his house, we shared my coat and held hands to keep warm. I teased him the whole way about how he shouldn't have made fun of my coat and bundled up like I did.

When we finally reached Ross' house, we noticed Ross' Dad's car was parked in the garage, which made Ross' face instantly light up. He really looks up to him. Ross quickly unlocked the door and went to the living room, and there on the couch was his dad cuddling with Jaune.

"Ross, hey!" Aaron greeted, standing up from the couch to hug Ross and ruffle his head. "How are you buddy?"

"I'm good! How was your trip?"

"It was awesome, and I brought back some stuff for you and your friends."

Ross smiled as Aaron handed him a big bag of goodies.

"And how are you, Robert?" Aaron asked.

"I'm good!" I happily answered.

"Good to hear," he turned to Ross. "Your aunt and uncle are coming over with your cousin so be ready."

"When are they leaving? I was gonna have a sleepover at Robert's today."

"Around 7 so you should be fine. Now why don't you boys head upstairs?"

Ross nodded and began to walk upstairs, I was about to follow him until Aaron stopped me. "You're dating my son?" he asked, his tone suddenly turning serious.

"Aaron!!" Jaune shouted.

I immediately turned flustered. "U-um, yes sir." I stuttered.

He stared at me some more until suddenly his demeanor turned even more serious if possible, I felt sweat drip down my cheek.

"Aaron! Stop scaring him and come sit down!" Jaune yelled from the couch. "Robert, go upstairs."

"Nicetalkingtoyousir!" I blurted out before bolting upstairs.

Ross was scrolling through his phone on his bed when I walked into the room, when he realized I was there he stood up and threw his phone on the bed.

"What'd my Dad tell you?" he asked with a giggle.

"Dude, your Dad is freaking scary. He asked if we were dating and just stared at me with a serious face." I answered as I shut the door behind me.

Ross burst out laughing. "Well, that's my dad! Now let's go through this bag."

I smiled and shook my hands in excitement as Ross spilled the contents of the bag onto the bed. It was mostly snacks and pins with rock bands on them. But there was also a shirt for each of us, including Roy which was cool.

"I guess we'll just split the snacks and pins between the three of us?" I suggested.

"Sounds good!"

We quickly split everything evenly into three groups and set them to the side.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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