Tension - Chapter 18

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Ross' POV:

Everything happened so fast, I don't know what to do in this moment. We're so close to each other and I could hear his breathing as clear as day. We're just staring at each other awkwardly. My heart is beating like crazy and my stomach is twisting and turning. There's so much tension right now and I don't know what to do about it. Why won't he move? He's the one hovering over me. Why can't I move? Why can't I tell him to move? Do I want him too?

"...What's happening right now?" I manage to ask.

It took a bit for him to answer. "I don't know.." he answers.

We continue staring at each other in awkwardness. One of us needs to do something. I don't care what, this is just getting too awkward.

Suddenly Robert moved one of his hands from the bed to my neck which immediately sent chills down my spine. If possible my heart started racing more and I could tell my face is pure red.

"Robert?" I ask, not knowing what he's trying or going to do.

He leans in just an inch before he frowns and gets up from the bed, leaving me there dumbfounded. Did he just try to kiss me?!


"I'm sorry.." Robert says, walking off to the bathroom.

I placed my hand on my neck where he had touched it, still sat on the bed confused. There are so many thoughts going through my head right now: He did try to kiss me right? Does that mean he likes me? Was I going to let him kiss me? What do I do now? Should I confess? What if he wasn't trying to kiss me?

I managed to lay back down in my bed and cover myself with my blanket. Robert came back ten minutes later and layed on the edge of the bed, not saying a word. I really want to confirm what his intentions were but at the same time I'm scared to confirm. I could be completely wrong or I could be right. If I'm wrong then I could never live with myself for thinking my friend would do that. And if I'm right.. And if I'm right, what would happen? Would we just start dating? What would happen to the gang? Would Roy be okay with it? What if we treated him like a third wheel? Or maybe I'm thinking about this too much and I should just ask.

"Rob?" I ask.

No response.

"Rob..?" I repeat.

"..Yeah?" he finally responds.

"Why did you um- do that?"

There was no response for a while. We both just layed there in silence and awkwardness.

"I was.. There was.."

He kept thinking of something to say before he gave up and sighed.

"Don't worry about it." he says.


"Please just forget it."

I frown but don't say anything. I'm not going to force him to say anything.

"Goodnight Ross." he says as he covers himself with his blanket.

"Goodnight Rob." I say back.

I shut my eyes and try to go back to sleep. If he doesn't want me to worry about it then I probably shouldn't.

Robert's POV:

I couldn't go back to sleep. I can't stop thinking about what I did. I'm so stupid, I got too into the moment and made myself believe he would kiss me back. How could I be so delusional? What does he think of me now?

The memory keeps rolling in my head over and over again in my head like a movie. I feel so embarrassed. I backed out so quickly I couldn't even tell what Ross could've been thinking at that moment.The room was dark but I could tell his face was red. He didn't look upset or disturbed, he just seemed flustered. But that doesn't tell me if he wanted it or not, anyone would've gotten flustered at that.

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