Embrace It - Chapter 19

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Robert's POV:

Robert: he said no!!

Roy: see? u guys r made for eachother

Robert: u think the theory is true?

Roy: trust the olive theory never lies 😎

I smile and put my phone back into my pocket. Mr. Shabs was handing out our chemistry test that we took last week and I'm certain I got a good grade. He finally gets to me and Ross and hands us our tests face down.

"Nice work Robert." he compliments, giving an impressed smile.

I give him a smile back and flip my paper over to check my grade. Ninety-seven percent (97%), heck yeah! I look over at Ross and he puts his test straight into his folder, not caring about the grade. He's not that good at chem.

"What'd you get?" he asks me, he could tell I'm happy about it cause I'm still smiling.

"Ninety-seven!" I answer.

He chuckles. "Nice, that studying paid off!"

I chuckle back at him and we turn our attention back to Mr. Shabs as he goes on with his lesson.

Thankfully me and Ross aren't acting so awkward anymore. And his "meh" attitude is gone which is good, it was kinda scary. I've got big plans for today though, Roy has enlightened me with his thoughts and convinced me..

That I should go for it! I'm going to ask him out at our spot and I'm going to make sure it is oh so romantic. I told him to meet me there at seven so I could get there at six and set everything up. I'm going to do it like they do in the movies; I'm going to buy a candle, an ice filled bucket with a bottle of soda inside (if we were adults it would've been wine), some fancy glass cups, nice food, and maybe I'll dress up. I could see it in my head already... but I won't get into that.

Hm, well actually now that I'm thinking about it, I should save all the fancy stuff for another time. I think it's more of an idea for an 'adult' date. The vision was nice though I will admit. I should do something he likes, something that'll impress him. Maybe I'll just mix in some of those aspects with what I'll do though. But I think I got just the idea, and it's probably not cheap.

The only thing I have to worry about is if Ross turns me down and then everything I did would be for nothing and I'd wallow in sorrow and pain for years for allowing myself to fall into my delusions! What a nice thought. But I'm almost certain that won't happen. Can't be too sure.

Ross' POV:

Robert's been holding a smile all day and he keeps giggling with Roy. I keep trying to think of something they'd be laughing about without me but can't so I'm just trying to ignore it. I'm sure it's nothing bad.

School is finally out and Roy was picked up by his parents since he's still grounded. Robert was able to thank them for helping him which they surprisingly appreciated. Once they drove off Robert started walking in the opposite direction of my house.

"Where are you going?" I ask, confused.

"I gotta go do something, I'll see you at our spot!" he responds before waving bye and walking off.

Huh... this is weird. Alone again. I'm not used to walking anywhere alone, Roy or Robert are always with me.

I sigh to myself and take my headphones out from my pocket and place them in my ears. I connect them to my phone then turn my music playlist on so I have a little entertainment while I walk. Walking to the beat of the music I'm listening to is always entertaining and helps me get home faster.

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