Cry - Chapter 16

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Robert's POV:

I stare at the commotion going down in front of me in fear from the entrance of the elevator. I was so scared I couldn't move, I felt like I was going to throw up. Why did he have to be here? Why is he already starting problems? What does he want?!

"You need to leave right fucking now!" Radford yells.

"I'm not going anywhere until this prick tells me where my son is!" Dad yells, pointing to Ross.

Ross was about to speak but Radford gestured for him to keep quiet. "He doesn't know where he is!"

"Yes he does, he was the one that helped that little shit sneak out the house!" He glares at Ross and gets close to him, making Ross step back. "You better tell me where he is or I swear to god I'll-"

Radford immediately pushes him away from Ross. "You're harassing a child you don't even know! How fucking pathetic is that?!"

"I don't care how fucking pathetic it is, he needs to tell me where Robert is or I'll ruin him and anyone that tries to fucking stop me! And when I do find that little shit he'll get his lesson too! How dare you encourage my son to run away from his own father!"

"Maybe if you weren't such a dick he wouldn't have felt the need to run away from you! You know how many times I wanted to run and didn't because it'd be worse for him and Riley?!"

"I'm done talking to you! I'm talking to him now!"

He attempts to grab Ross but Ross quickly dodges it and makes a run for security. Of course, that wasn't enough to stop my dad and he began chasing him. And as much as I hate to admit it, my dad is a fast runner. Knowing the only way to stop this is by revealing myself, I also start chasing after him, Radford following behind me.

"Robert, you need to get out of here, he's going to kill you!" Radford yells in panic, trying to grab me.

"He's going to kill Ross if I don't do something!" I yell back, quickening my pace.

We all start running around the hospital like maniacs, Ross was still looking for security while my Dad got closer and closer to him by the second. I tried to catch up to them as much as I could, just enough so that my dad would hear my yelling.

"Dad!" I continuously yell, now crying out of panic.

Eventually my dad picks up on my yelling and the sound of my feet slamming on the floor behind him. He turned around to look at me and my legs immediately went weak, but I stood my ground. As he started making his way towards me Radford had eventually caught up and pulled me behind him.

"Rad, you better move or it's not gonna be pretty." My Dad threatens, now standing in front of him.

"No, I'm not moving! You're a psycho!" Radford yells.

Dad shrugs and grabs him by the neck and throws him on the floor. Now it was just me and him staring at each other. He yanks me towards him by my arm and I wince at how tight he held it.

"You thought you could get away? How dare you." he says in a low threatening tone.

He tightens his grip on my arm more. He was holding it so tight I thought he might break it. "I'm sorry Dad..!" I cry out.

"Security!" Radford yells, getting up from the ground.

My dad looks at him and pushes him harshly back on the ground, I swore I heard a cracking sound once he hit the floor. He let go of me and kneeled down in front of him. He lifted his head up by his hair, getting ready to beat him. Until we heard the sound of many footsteps rushing towards us. It was Ross leading security towards us.

When Ross' eyes met mine he immediately ran towards me and hugged me as security ran to Radford and my dad to break them up. I practically melted into his arms, panting, feeling nauseous, and my legs still weak as well as my arm being in pain. Ross felt how weak I was and helped me sit on the floor as he continued to hold me in his arms. I watched as security manhandled my dad to get him away from Radford and cuff him up. Some nearby nurses that had come along with security helped Radford off the floor and check his head and neck. One nurse walked up to me and Ross and asked if she could check me. I think. I couldn't concentrate at all after what just happened. I barely understood what she asked, I could only hear the sound of my heart racing in my chest and my hard breathing. Suddenly I felt myself being lifted up and onto something more comfortable. Ross helped me lay down on whatever it was I was on and I gave him a smile before the room started to spin and I fell asleep.

Ross' POV:

The nurses told me that Robert was having a panic attack and had fainted from all the anxiety. They found a bruise on his arm but they said it wasn't too bad thankfully. Overall, he's going to be okay. Radford though, they said he has a concussion and a fractured shoulder. He's also in trouble for pretending to be his Dad so they called his mom down to the hospital. The concussion isn't too serious though.

Robert's Dad ended up being taken into custody and taken down to the police station. I don't know anything else about him though. But I pray he gets sent to jail for a real long time. When we found him at the hospital he told us he's been coming everyday just to get Robert. He knew he would come visit Riley eventually. Such a sick man to do all that just to want to beat his son.

Right now I'm sitting with Robert in the room they brought him in. I was holding his hand and rubbing it anxiously from the side of the hospital bed. They said he'd wake up soon but I'm still really worried about him. I know he's going to feel a way once he wakes up about what just happened. The nurses keep telling me to go home but I don't want to until he wakes up. I texted my mom about what happened and she said she's on the way with Robert's mom. I hope they get here soon.

Finally, I notice Robert's eyes slowly open, they were slightly pink and puffy from crying. I smile and lightly squeeze his hand, making him turn his head towards me.

"Ross?" he asks.

"Yeah, it's me." I answer.

He weakly smiles and squeezes my hand back. "Where's Radford?" he asks.

"He's in another room," I thought about telling him about Radford's injuries but thought it would just stress him out more. But he does deserve to know so I tried to explain it in the best way I could without it sounding too serious.

"He has a minor concussion and he hurt his shoulder. The nurses said he's going to be okay though."

He frowns but doesn't say anything.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"...Nauseous. But I'm f-fine." he stutters, he sounds like he's on the verge of crying again.

We stayed in silence for a bit while I held his hand and rubbed it. Until I noticed his mouth shaking and watery eyes.

"It's not good to hold it in.." I say to him.

"I k-know," he answers. "I feel like I cry so much around you though."

"That's not a bad thing. Crying doesn't make me think of you any less, everyone cries. If anything I'm glad you're able to show that side of yourself to me. Please don't hold it in though, I know your throat is hurting from holding it so long. I'm here to comfort you." I explain to him.

He looks at me and sniffles. "Can I- I have a hug?" he asks.

I nod and lean over the bed to give him a hug, careful not to touch his bruised arm. He hugs me back and clenches onto my back as he cries the hardest I've ever seen him do into my shirt.

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