First Night - Chapter 6

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Robert's POV:

We finally arrive at Ross' house, he pulls his house keys out of his pocket and unlocks the door. The whole walk he looked a little off, his eyes were glued to the ground and everytime I said something he would respond with an "Oh", "Mhm", or "Cool". I'm guessing it's because we cried together under a streetlight where people could've seen us? That has to be it. I mean, what else could it be?

We both walk inside and are greeted by Ross' mom, Jaune.

"Hi boys!" she says as she walks over to us.

"Hey mom." Ross responds.

I wave at her and she smiles.

"We're gonna put his stuff upstairs,"

Ross looks at me then gestures towards his mom. He probably wants to know if I'm ready to talk about my dad with her. I nod at him then he turns back to his mom.

"And then we're gonna come back down to talk about something."

Jaune raises her eyebrows. "Oh, okay. I'll be at the table."

Ross nods and we both make our way to his room. I place my bag on the floor and turn to look at Ross. He looks out of it again.

"Are you um- sure you're ready to talk about it?" he asks.

I smile at him for being concerned. "I'm sure Ross. I need to get it over with." I answer reassuringly.

He looks down at the floor but I can see him subtly smiling too. "Alright, let's go."

We make our way downstairs to the dining room table and see Jaune was already sitting down. She looked kind of nervous. Me and Ross sit down next to each other.

"So, what's this about?" she asks.

"Um,'s about my house.."

I start explaining everything to Jaune, I didn't realize how hard it would be. Every now and then I would squeeze Ross' hand from under the table for support, which I don't think he minded. As I spoke, Jaune's expression changed from calm to worried. Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth in shock. It made me feel bad but I know I have to tell her. After a while of explaining everything Jaune walks over and gives me a quick hug.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that Robert," she says as she kneels down to speak to me at my level. "Listen, I'll try my best to help your mom and siblings get away from your dad. And I know you don't want me to tell anyone, but eventually I'm going to have to, but I'll make sure it's when you and your family are somewhere safe. If you really have nowhere else to go then yes, you can stay here. I know this is really hard for you and again, I'm sorry. You're safe here though and I'll make sure that while you stay here you're happy and cared for. Okay?"

I smile at her and lean in for another hug. She's so understanding and nice. I really hope she's able to help my mom and siblings out of there. Me and Jaune break our hug and smile at each other.

"I'm going to cook dinner now, any requests?" she asks me and Ross.

"Whatever Rob wants." Ross answers, looking down again.

"Make whatever you want!" I also answer.

She gets up off her knees and stretches. "All right! I'll call you boys down when I'm done." she tells us.

"Okay!" I respond.

I start to make my way upstairs, expecting Ross to follow. But he stayed sat at the table, still looking down. He looks like he's lost in thought.

"Ross?" I call, worried.

No response. Jaune notices and puts her hands on Ross' shoulders, making him flinch.

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