Let's Talk - Chapter 3

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!TW: Talk of Abusive Behavior! 

Ross' POV:

"No- Robert-!"

Robert cut me off by quickly hanging up the phone, leaving me with a stunned expression on my face. What the hell just happened? Is he okay? I should go over and check on him- no wait, from what I heard from over the phone that's probably not a good idea. If I get caught, who knows what Robert's dad will do. But I can't just sit here knowing Robert's going through that, he sounded like he was on the verge of crying. Ugh, there's nothing I could do except wait to confront him about it tomorrow though. Damn this sucks, I wish I could go over and help him through it.

I sigh as I change into my pajamas for bed. When I finish I flop onto my bed and pull out my phone. Maybe I could at least send him a text. I click on Robert's contact and send him a text:

Ross: hey rob

Ross: idk what exactly happened over the phone but just know im here for you and you could always come talk to me about it. see you tmrw and hope u feel better

I wasn't expecting a text back but five minutes later he responded:

Robert: Thx Ross. I'll talk to you and Roy about it tmrw. See you

I put my phone under my pillow and sigh again. I really hope he's okay, but I guess I'll have to wait for tomorrow. Until then, I should try and get some sleep. I would stay up late but I don't really feel like it after that phone call. I shut my eyes and surprisingly fell asleep.



I groan as I take my phone from under my pillow and shut my alarm off. I slowly get up from my bed and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After that I walk back to my room to get dressed and pack my bag. Then after that I go downstairs to the kitchen, where my mom was already awake and cooking breakfast.

"Morning." I say to her.

"Morning hon, how'd you sleep? I saw you went to sleep earlier than usual." she asks.

I sit down at the dining table. "I slept good." I answer.

"I could tell, you don't look as tired as you usually do," She puts the food she cooked on a plate and serves me. "You should go to bed early more often. It's good for your health and-"

"Mom, I don't want to hear your health speech," I say as I eat a spoonful of the food she made. "This is good, thanks mom."

She smiles and ruffles my hair. "No problem hon. Eat up, there's more if you want it. I'm gonna get ready for work now."

And with that she walks upstairs to her room, leaving me alone in the dining room.

I quickly eat my food then grab my bag and beanie. I yell bye to my mom as I put my beanie on and leave. As usual Robert was waiting for me outside, except he seemed lost in thought. I cautiously approach him, not wanting to scare him, and say his name.


He blinks hard then turns to look at me. He smiles and holds his hand out for a handshake.

"Hey dude." he says.

I grab his hand hard, making a clapping sound, and we do our usual hand shake, pulling on each other's hands so we move closer to each other to touch shoulders and then moving back while shaking hands.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask him, letting go of his hand and putting both of mine in my jean pockets.

"Fine." he answers with a gloomy expression on his face.

"So um, do you wanna talk about it now or wait for-"

"Wait for who?"

Someone came from behind and grabbed my shoulders, almost making me scream. I turn around to see it's Roy. I shove his hands off me and he laughs.

"Too bad you didn't scream." he says as we shake hands.

"You're a douchebag, y'know that?" I say back, rolling my eyes.

He then walks over to Robert and shakes his hand. "Why do you look so down Rob?"

Robert looks at me then back at Roy. "Let's talk while we walk."

Roy then looks at me with a confused look. I gesture for him to just go with it and start walking.

We all start walking and Robert begins speaking.

"So Ross called me last night, and he heard some stuff I never wanted any of you to find out. So since I can't hide it anymore I'll just tell you both what's going on." He takes a breath and continues talking. "The reason why I always want to spend the night with you guys and stay out late is because I don't want to go home. My dad.. he's an alcoholic, and whenever I come home he's always arguing with my mom and starting fights with me, Radford, and Robin. He even goes as far as putting his hands on us and throwing glass bottles in our faces,"

Me and Roy look at him and notice he's starting to get teary eyed. We look for a nearby bench and I gesture to him that we should sit. We sit down on a bench across the street and Robert starts talking again.

"Yesterday he did something I thought he would never do. He put his hands on my mom. It's all starting to become too much for me.. I don't know what to do.." He rested his head on both his hands with a frown.

"Why don't you talk to the school counselor? She could probably do something!" Roy tries suggesting.

"I can't, they'll take me away. I don't want to be taken away!"

Me and Roy didn't know what to say now, we were shook. I never would've thought Robert of all people would be going through this. How did we not realize sooner?

"And my mom knows she can kick my dad out the house and file a restraining order, he doesn't help with the rent so she should be able to. But she won't! Why won't she do it?!"

His voice starts to get shaky and a tear falls down his cheek. Seeing him like this breaks my heart. He's always so bright and happy so seeing him break down like this is just horrible.

I put a hand on his back and he immediately pulls me into a hug. It surprised me but I hug him back, he needs the support. Roy scooted closer and rubs his back.

"You guys can't tell anyone.. please." he says between sobs.

Me and Roy frown at each other. We both desperately want to help Robert out of this, but I'm only fifteen and Roy's thirteen, there's nothing we can do, especially if Robert doesn't want to risk being taken away.

"We're here for you Rob. I.. I promise I won't tell anyone, but if you ever need help or need someone to talk to you know you could always come to me. Roy too." I say to him, my nose starting to get runny. I never usually get emotional but this was enough to send me over the edge.

Eventually Robert backs away from the hug and smiles at me and Roy. "You guys are the best, I don't know what I'd do without you."

I smile back at him and pull a napkin out of my pocket to wipe his tears. When I put the napkin on his face his eyes widened and he quickly took the napkin out of my hand as he looked away.

"I'll do it." he says with an awkward laugh.

After he finished we stood up and started to make our way to school. Roy kept talking about Minecraft and me and Robert listened, chiming in every now and then.

I felt Robert tap my shoulder so I look at him

"After school, if it's okay with your mom, can I stay at yours?" he whispers.

I smile and give him a thumbs up. He smiles back and looks back ahead of him. I laugh to myself at his smile, I don't know why but it's nice to look at.

Under Winter Stars - Ross x Robert StoryWhere stories live. Discover now