Guitar - Chapter 13

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Robert’s POV:

“Reynold where have you been?!” Roy’s mom, Carmen, yells as she opens the front door for Roy.

He had tried to climb into his room with the tree in his backyard but his mom locked the window so he wouldn’t be able to sneak back in. So he had no choice but to come through the front door.

“Sorry mom.” Is all Roy says as he walks through the door. 

“Now I’m adding on to your punishment. How dare you sneak out while you're grounded!” Carmen says sternly before turning around to glare at me and Ross. “You boys get going now. I have nothing to say to you.” And with that she slams the door shut. 

Carmen used to despise us because she thought we were influencing Roy badly and because we were ‘plebeians’. And me and Ross used to hate her too. But ever since we confronted her about Roy’s uncle I’d say she’s opened up to us a bit. She lets Roy hang out with us more and she doesn’t bad mouth us when we’re in her presence. Though she still calls us ‘plebeians’. She’s nice when she wants to be. But we realized that she's actually like any other mom, she wants her son to do well and succeed in life. She's only so stern because Roy gives everyone a hard time. 

“So, got any ideas for a place?” Ross asks as we make our way off of Roy’s porch.

“Not really. But to get a good look at the sky, maybe a tall building or hill?” I answer.

“Well maybe not a tall building because someone could easily pop up on us accidentally. But a hill sounds nice!” Ross says.

“There’s lots of hills in town though, how are we-” A place immediately pops into my head. Though from Roy's house it'll be quite the walk.

“I’ve got a place! It’s a hill inside the forest! Nobody would ever find it." I beam out.

"Alright, you lead the way." Ross responds with a smile.

I smile back and we finally leave Roy's porch, making our way towards the forest. We chatted along the way about how excited we were and just random stuff that came to mind. But I couldn't stop romanticizing about what we'd talk about and do at that spot. I know that's getting ahead of myself, I don't even know if Ross likes guys, but I can't help it for some reason. What if he does like guys and we confess at the spot? What if we hold hands?! What if we kiss?! 

I mentally slap myself in the head, I need to stop, I'm going WAY too ahead of myself.

About ten minutes later we arrived at the forest. It's only three o clock but it looks freakishly dark in there.

"I don't remember it being so dark," I say with a frown. "We might get lost."

Ross thinks to himself for a second then pulls out his phone.

"We could use our flashlights." he suggests as he turns his on.

I nod in agreement and also pull my phone out from my pocket and turn the flashlight on. We look at each other in anticipation then start making our way inside the dark forest.

"You should walk in front." Ross suggests.

"What, why?" I ask.

"So it’s easier to follow you.” he answers.

"No, what if you trip on something and I leave you behind?" I lecture.

"I'll just ask you to wait."

"No no. Just stay next to me and-"

Suddenly we both hear a loud 'caw' noise which makes us both scream and jump. We looked around and figured out the noise had come from a crow sitting on top of a tree. Another crow soon flew to the one on the tree and they flew off together crowing. Sheesh they almost gave me a heart attack. I noticed Ross had dropped his phone in the process and looked a bit off. His hands were raised as if he was going to cover his ears.

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