Sunset - Chapter 14

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Ross' POV:

Until the sun went down, me and Robert spent the whole afternoon in the spot we found. We ate snacks, read his astronomy book, and I even played one more song for him on the guitar. It really flattered and embarrassed me how much he liked my guitar playing. His constant compliments and him reassuring me that I play good made my heart flutter a bit. I never thought I would've played in front of anyone but I'm glad I did, and I'm glad it was Robert to be the first person to hear. It's still a little shocking though that just by my humming he could tell I could sing.

The sun was almost down and Robert and I were laying on the blanket reading his book just like this morning. Moments like this between me and him with so much tension really do make it hard for me to try and forget my feelings. But why do these moments keep happening? I mean, I'm sure Robert can also feel the tension so why do we keep ending up in these moments? Or maybe he really doesn't and we're just doing what normal friends would do and I'm thinking about it too much. God, maybe I should talk to someone about this. It's all so confusing, I've always thought I was straight but Robert makes me think differently, and I can't get over that it's him specifically that's making me question myself. My best friend.

"The sun is almost down, you wanna set up the notebook?" Robert asks once he finishes the page he's on.

"Sure! I don't really know much about stargazing notebooks though, is there like a certain layout?" I ask.

"No, though if we had an actual stargazing notebook there would be some extra stuff in there to help with the notes." he answers.

"Oh, okay then," I think for a moment about what exactly we'd be setting up, but can't really think of anything. "So.. what are we setting up?" I ask awkwardly as I sit up, I was laying down before.

Robert also sits up and closes the book. "Well, I was thinking that we could do journal entries too? Like in the movies?" Robert looks down for a second then back up at me with an awkward smile. "If it sounds too cringe we don't have to do it though of course."

"No, of course I wanna do it!" I answer, cringing right after at my sudden change in tone.

Robert chuckles and pulls the notebook out from his bag along with a pencil. He opens it to a blank page. "You wanna go first?" he asks.

"Eh, you go first so I could use yours as an example." I answer.

Robert nods and begins writing. He would take pauses every now and then and spin the pencil in his fingers to think of what to write and when he thought of something he would nod to himself and go back to writing, which made me chuckle a little.

Once he finished he looked up at me and spun the pencil in his fingers once last time before handing it to me. "Your turn!" he beams out with a smile.

I take the pencil and book from his hand and look down at it. I read through his entry to get an idea of what I should write:

"Sunday, January 8th
At a super cool spot with Ross to go stargazing! So far I'm having lots of fun with him and I'm excited for the sun to go down. I think the best part of the day so far was when Ross played that Three Eleven song on the guitar, he's so amazingly, awesomely, fantastically, outstandingly good at it :) (Had to exaggerate on that since I know you're reading this Ross. I bet your face is gonna turn red lol ;) )"

My face, just like predicted, turned red from embarrassment and I heard Robert laugh from next to me.

"I knew it." he teased as he gave me a playful nudge.

I scoffed and gave him a nudge back. "Shut up you dork."

I looked back down at the book and continued to read his entry.

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