School Fight - Chapter 23

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Robert's POV:


Ross wasn't waking up for some reason so I turned off his alarm for him. I started to gently shake him.

"Ross, you gotta wake up." I say quietly.

He groans and lightly squeezes my hair. "Mmmwhat?" he says even quieter.

I chuckle at how tired and groggy he sounded. "Get up doofus."

After a few seconds he lifted his head from my neck and rolled off me with another groan.

"I'm up." he assures.

I ruffled his head with a smile then stretched a bit before scooting off the bed and picking out my clothes from my dresser. Ross soon followed and went to his own dresser to get his clothes. We took turns changing in the closet and going in the bathroom like usual then went to the dining room where Jaune was just finishing up cooking.

"Morning boys!" she happily greets.

"Morning!" me and Ross say back as we sit at the dining table.

Jaune turned off the flame of the stove and took two plates out of the cupboard. She scraped whatever was in the pan with her spatula onto each of the plates and served them to us.

"It's an omelet! I saw a recipe on the internet last night and wanted to try it. It's got bacon, pepper, onions, garlic, and pepper jack cheese. It said to put mayo but I didn't because Ross is picky when it comes to stuff like mayo so I'll bring the jar here in case you just wanna spread a little on." she explains as she hands us each a fork and places the jar of mayo in the middle of the table. "Let me know how it tastes! I'm gonna go get ready for work now."

Me and Ross thank her as she walks off to her room. I grabbed the jar of mayo from the center of the table and with my fork I scooped a little and spread it onto my omelet

"I thought you liked mayo?" I asked Ross as I closed the jar of mayo. I recall him having a turkey sandwich once with mayo.

"I do, just not on certain things. Like eggs in this case. Weird texture." he answers.

I shrugged and looked down at my plate. I quickly began eating and the omelet tasted really freaking good. I've come to the conclusion Jaune is an amazing cook.

We both finished eating in twenty-five minutes (it would've been quicker if Ross wasn't taking his time scraping out the whites of the egg) and said bye to Jaune as we grabbed our bags and hats as we left. Roy was there waiting, sitting on the steps of the porch.

"Hey losers!" he says as he gets up from the steps.

Me and Ross each give him a handshake.

"Sup!" I say to him as we finish our handshake.

He gives me a smirk and gestures for me to get close so he could tell me something. I lean down so he's able to easily whisper to me.

"So, how'd it go last night?" he asks quietly.

I stand back up straight and walk over to Ross, pulling him in a headlock.


"Me and Ross took a trip to smooch-ville last night!" I teasingly answer.

Ross made a dramatic gasp which made Roy laugh. "Robert!" he shouts, pulling out of my headlock. "Smooch-ville? Really?!"


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