Thoughts - Chapter 29

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Ross' POV:


Like every morning, I groan as I take my phone from under my pillow and shut off my alarm. I yawned as I lifted Robert's arms off of me and got up from my bed.

"Rob, wake up." I tiredly say to him, I gave him a little shake but was met with a snore.

"Rob!" I say a little louder, shaking him more.

Eventually he finally woke up and sat up from my bed. He yawned as he stretched his arms and looked up at me.

"Morning." he says with a smile.

"Morning, how'd you sleep?" I say back, also with a small smile.

"Very good," he gets up from my bed and starts going through his drawers for clothes. "Do you know what the weather is today?"

"Uh, no, I don't usually check it," I answer, also grabbing my clothes for today. "I'm gonna change in the bathroom."

He gave a thumbs up and I went downstairs to the bathroom. I did my usual morning routine then walked out to the dining room, where my mom was cooking breakfast like usual.

"Morning hon." she greets with a smile.

"Morning mom." I say back as I sit at the table.

"I'm making you special pancakes." she says with a snicker.

One thing to know is that when my mom says she's cooking something 'special', she did something I probably won't like, like adding an extra ingredient.

"... What did you do?"

"Oh, nothing that special. It'll still taste the same, they–"

She was cut off when Robert came downstairs, wearing the heaviest, thickest green coat you've ever seen with his usual yellow mittens and blue ushanka.

"Morning guys!" he says with a smile, acting like he wasn't having a hard time walking in that... thing.

"Robert, what the hell are you wearing?" I ask, stunned at how it looked and how he even managed to fit that in the small dresser my mom bought him. Where did he even get that?

"Well, it's going to be really cold today so I got prepared!" he answers, he seemed pretty proud of himself.

"Okay, but don't you realize we're going to be in school for most of the time? With a heater? Warmed up? Co–"

"Then I'll just take it off."

"You're going to carry that ginormous thing with you all around school?!"

"Yeah, don't question me! You're going to regret not getting all bundled up."

"I'm going to regret not–!"

"Boys, boys!" Mom shouts. She walked over and placed plates in front of us. "No yelling so early in the morning. Especially after I made such a special breakfast."

"Ooo, what'd you make?!" Robert asked excitedly.

"You'll see."

She then brought a bowl over to us filled with pancakes. When she placed one on my plate I stared at it dumbfounded.

"... Mom, what is this?"

"Isn't it obvious? They're rainbows!"

"... But why?"

"For love and support!"

She continued serving us and Robert looked at them in awe.

"How'd you get them to be rainbow colored?!" he asked.

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