Not Right - Chapter 7

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Ross’ POV:

You like him, you can't keep ignoring it. How could you like your best friend? What would he think if he found out? What would Roy think? You're just going to ruin the trio. Is that what you want? 

Wake up.

I gasp as I jump up from my pillow in shock, sweating a bit. What was that? Was that supposed to be a dream? Some dream that was. 

I calm myself down and lay back into my pillow, thinking hard.

What that dream said sounds about true, I can't have feelings for Robert. It’s not like he’d like me back, he’s straight and my best friend. My feelings are just going to ruin the gang. I don’t think they’d kick me out if they found out but it would just be weird hanging together. It'll be hard trying to just push these feelings away. I mean, it’s not like I can just make them go poof! I have to try though. Damn this sucks. 

But now this brings me to another question. What am I? Gay? I’ve liked a girl before so that can't be right. This is all so confusing. Maybe I need to talk to someone about this.

Wait, why did Robert stop snoring?

I quickly crawl over to Robert and look at him, his eyes are shut. So he's still sleeping, thank god. I let out a sigh of relief and sit down in front of him. He looks so peaceful. I wonder if he was able to get good sleep while he was at his house, probably not. I've only met that man once but god do I still hate him with all my heart. I hope he dies a painful death like Roy's uncle.

I look down at Robert again and twirl through his hair with my fingers, letting out another sigh. I hate myself for falling for him. Especially for just realizing it now when he probably needs the most support. Why did it have to be him? Anyone else it would’ve been fine, but Robert? One of my friends since childhood? I just-

Robert lets out a loud snore, which makes me jump a little and let out a small chuckle.

"Such a dork." I say quietly, talking to myself.

Starting tomorrow I have to let go of these feelings. It isn't right. I cup one of Robert's hands with mine and check to see if he's really asleep again, which it looks like he is. I stay like that for a while just enjoying the quiet and the warmth of his hand. Then finally I let go and place his hand back down. This isn’t right. 

I crawl back to my pillow and lay down, staring at the ceiling. It's already about to be morning surprisingly. I shut my eyes and try to go back to sleep.

Robert's POV:

… What just happened?


Sorry short chapter but idk what else I could've added, I didn't wanna start the next day right after all that

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