Hospital Visit - Chapter 15

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Robert’s POV:

After about 10 minutes of walking and chatting with Ross we arrived at the hospital. We walked inside to the desk lady to ask about what room Riley would be in. 

“Hello, can I help you?” the lady asked.

“Hello, I’m here to visit my little sister, Riley Baron?” I answer.

She looked from Ross to me. “How old are you?” she asked.

“Uhh, 14?” I answer with a confused tone.

“Hm. Well I’m sorry hon but you need an adult in order to visit. You don’t have a parent with you?”

I felt like I could’ve passed out when she said that. I can’t visit her?! But I came all this way-!

“Hello, I’m actually their dad. They just rushed on in here before I could get out of the car.” A voice said from behind me, their hand resting on my shoulder.

Once I heard that voice my mood immediately boosted up. I turned around to see Radford. I wanted to give him a big hug but decided I’d wait until we get past the desk lady, so instead I gave him a smile.

“Oh okay! Can I have your name please?” she asked Radford.

“Ron Baron.” Radford lies. Hearing my dads name gives me the chills.

The lady starts clicking on some stuff on the computer then turns back to us. “Riley is on the second floor of room two A (2A). Enjoy your visit!” she says with a smile. 

We all thank her and walk to the elevator. Once I pushed the button for the elevator I immediately gave Radford a hug. I was so happy to see him, I haven’t gone this long without seeing him. 

“Radford oh my god! I’ve missed you so much!” I beam out excitedly.

Radford hugs me back and smiles. “I’ve missed you too little bro! How have you been? Is Jaune treating you good?” he asks happily.

I break our hug and look up at him. “I’ve been good! And Jaune is the best! She’s really nice.” I answer.

“I’m glad to hear you’ve been doing well,” he turns to Ross and holds his fist out for a fist bump. “And how’re you? I don’t think I’ve seen you in a while- uh- Roy?”

Ross laughs and gives him a fist bump. “It’s Ross, and I’ve been good. Thanks for helping us out there.”

“No, thank you for helping Robert out. My mom told me what you did for him and I really appreciate it. I’m glad he has a friend like you.” Radford says.

Ross gives him an awkward smile. “Oh, it’s no problem. I’m happy I was able to help.” he responds.

Radford smiles back and almost as if on cue the elevator arrives. We make our way inside and press the button for the second floor. We quickly reach the second floor and walk to Riley’s room. As soon as we got up to her door I started to shake my hands up and down, I just wanted to burst inside and five her a huge hug. But I know it's night so she's probably sleepy so bursting in is probably not a good idea.

"You ready?" Radford asks, placing his hand on the knob.

I frantically nod my head yes and Radford then opens the door. I practically run inside and see her laying on the hospital bed with a book and stuffed teddy. When she felt my presence she put her book aside to look at who had entered, and when she realized it was me and Radford she screamed and smiled.

"Robert! Rad!" she squealed.

I immediately walked to the side of her bed and gave her the biggest hug I could with a wide smile. 

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