Movie Marathon - Chapter 10

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Robert's POV:

"I'm going to take care of some business outside so I'll be back later, okay?" Jaune says as she helps bring the dresser from BJ's into Ross' room.

"Alright." Ross responds.

We all place the dresser down next to Ross' window and Jaune waves as she walks off. Me and Ross plop down onto his bed and finally switch our drinks.

"So what should we do? We got the whole house to ourselves." Ross asks as he drinks his Doctor Pepper.

"Maybe we could invite Roy over?" I suggest.

"Isn't he grounded still though?" Ross questions.

"Yeah, he'll just sneak out. He's good at that." I answer.

"Alright, I'll call him up."

Ross takes one more sip of his drink then pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls Roy. He immediately picked up.

"Hey Ross, what's up?" he answers, I'm close to the phone so I could hear what he says.

"Nothing, what're you doing?" Ross asks.

"Nothing except laying on my bed in misery. You?"

"Chilling with Robert at mine, wanna come over and not be miserable?"

"Hell yeah. I'll be there in ten."

"Alright, see you. Oh and bring snacks."


Before Roy could say anything else Ross hung up on him. Me and him chuckle at each other and get up from the bed.

"While we wait, you want help unpacking your stuff?" Ross asks.

"Sure, thanks!" I answer.

Ross then goes downstairs and brings up a basket full of my clothes since he put them in the washer yesterday and his beanie.

He places the basket on his bed and holds his beanie over his head, getting ready to put it on.

"You should leave it off," I say to him as I take clothes from the basket and fold them.

"Why? It's clean now." Ross says back, also folding clothes from the basket.

"I don't know, I just never see you without it and you look ni-"

I cut myself off, realizing what I was about to say. Ross must've realized what I was about to say too because he looked down in embarrassment. We both stayed in an awkward silence while we continued folding my clothes and organizing them to put in my dresser. Ross kept his hat off. The silence continued until Ross asked a question that threw me off guard:

"Do you really think I look nice without it?"

I wouldn't have expected Ross to ask a question like that, he never cares about stuff like that. He looked at me with a blank expression on his face, waiting for a response. That threw me off even more because how could he ask a question like that and look so calm? And how do I answer that without it sounding weird?

"Yes Ross, you do. But I know your beanie is comfy so if you wanna wear it you do you." I reluctantly respond with a smile.

Ross subtly smiles and looks back at the pile of folded clothes in front of him.

"You look nice with the beanie too just saying." I awkwardly add.

He chuckles and picks up the pile of clothes. "Thanks." he says as he puts the pile into one of the drawers.

We put the rest of my clothes away in silence.


Just like Roy said, he got here in no less than ten minutes. He knocked on the door like a freaking maniac until we went downstairs to let him in.

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