Grounded - Chapter 24

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Ross' POV:

Security led us to the nurse first to get our wounds treated, then they took us to the principal's office. The principal wanted to talk to the other group first so they went inside while me, Roy, and Robert sat outside on some benches. We got to see all their parents show up and yell at them from the inside of the office which was the only thing entertaining us as we waited for our turn.

There was a very awkward silence between us. Roy surprisingly was quiet and me and Robert didn't know what we could do to break the awkwardness. We were all just wallowing there in shame.

"So," Robert starts. "Why were you guys fighting?"

Damn, how do we explain that?

"People talking shit, that's why." Roy answers, summing it up pretty well.

"Talking crap how? You never start fights like that over-" he cut himself off, remembering all the times Roy has started fights over stupid things. Roy rolled his eyes at him.

"Did you know there's a rumor going around about you?" Roy asks in a quiet tone.

Robert looked a little surprised at this. "What kind of rumor?" he asks, his expression turning to a frustrated one.

"You're being outed-"

Robert's frustrated face turned into an angry one. "Damn it those f-!"

"Calm down over there!" One of the security guards yelled, seeing Robert was about to have an outburst.

Robert grumbled and made fists with his hands out of frustration. That freaked both me and Roy out, there must be more to this because he never gets this upset.

I placed my hand on one of his fists to try and calm him down. "Robert it's oka-"

"Remember I went to a different middle school for a year?" he asks.

Me and Roy nod in response and listen as he starts to explain himself. "There was a teacher there that I really trusted. I trusted him so much that he was the first person I actually came out to. And that was obviously a mistake because I had no idea he was friends with one of my dads friends. That friend told my dad and his son overheard, and that's when the rumor started in middle school. Thankfully I left that school the next year and went with you guys, but now the rumor is here. Obviously some kids from my middle school are here spreading it. And I heard who started it when I went to the bathroom on Friday, I just don't know how they look."

Roy looked furious once Robert finished speaking. "Is that why you never washed the glitter off your sweater?!" he asks.

"Yeah but-"

"Why'd you lie to us?! You should've told us so we could-!"

"Quiet!" the security guard yells again

Roy crosses his arm and sighs. He takes a few breaths to try and calm down.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys. I just knew that if I told you about it then you would find out I was gay and I didn't want you to find out like that." Robert explains again with a frown.

"Robert, we understand, it's okay. You don't have to apologize. We're all just a little stressed right now after what just happened." I assure him.

"Thanks Ross." he responds with a faint smile. "So, were you fighting because of the rumor?"

"..Yeah." I answer.

Robert sighs but doesn't respond.

Eventually the group and their parents walked out of the principal's office and we were called inside. We each took a seat and looked down at the floor, refusing to look at the principal.

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