Home - Chapter 2

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Robert's POV:

Me and Ross are still on our way to our houses, our houses aren't too far from each other so we're able to walk together. But from Roy's house Ross' house is closer so he'll have to go first, which kinda sucks. I was hoping we'd be able to stay at Roy's house for a while, maybe even sleepover, but guess that's not happening. He called us when we were halfway at Ross' house to tell us that his mom was going to sit in his room to make sure he does all his homework so we had to go. I really don't want to go home though, maybe I could sleepover at Ross'?

"Hey Ross, can I sleep at yours?" I ask halfway into our walk.

"Uh, I have to ask my mom. I'll call her now for you." he answeres, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

I thank him as he puts the phone to his ear to wait for his mom to pick up. She picks up after about ten seconds.

"Hey mom... yes I'm fine... uh, can Robert sleep over?... no the blonde one... oh... okay, well I'll be home soon... love you too bye."

He puts his phone back in his pocket and sighs. "Sorry man, not tonight."

I also sigh. "It's fine I guess."


After five minutes we arrive at Ross' house and I walk with him to his doorstep. He was about to unlock the door but was hesitant for some reason.

"You could sneak inside if you really wanna stay over." he suddenly says.

"No it's fine, I don't want to get you in trouble." I say back.

"Are you sure? I'll go to bed early so my mom doesn't-"

"Ross, it's fine. If your mom said no there's probably a good reason for it," I say, cutting him off. "I'll see you tomorrow, ok?

He frowns. "Okay, see you Rob."

I forced a smile as he unlocked the door and walked inside.

I slowly start to make my way towards my own house. Crap, now I have to go deal with him. Hopefully he'll be asleep by the time I get there. I doubt that though.


Ten minutes later of slow walking I arrive at the front of my house. I could already hear the yelling and glass shattering from the inside. I pull my keys out of my jean pocket and take a breath, preparing for what's probably going to happen. Finally, I unlock the door and walk inside, there's shattered beer bottles on the floor. I quickly start to make my way towards my room, not wanting to bump into anyone. But to my dismay, my dad approaches me.

"Where have you been, you little shit?" he asks drunkenly, slurring his words.

"Studying.." I lie.

"Yeah? Until nine at night?!"

He angrily raises his hand at me, making me flinch. He was about to hit me until my mom came from behind and grabbed his hand.

"Go to your room Robert." she quickly says.

I nod and start to speed walk to my room, listening to my mom and dad yell in the background.

When I got to my room I quickly shut my door and lock it with a sigh. I let my body fall onto my bed and immediately got teary eyed. Before I knew it I had tears strolling down my face. Why am I crying? It's like this everyday, I should be used to it, so why?

I haven't told anybody about my issues at home, everyone thinks I've got it good because of my positive attitude and enthusiasm. When in reality I come home everyday to be smacked in the face with a beer bottle from my drunk dad and my mom trying to constantly stop him. I would tell someone, but I know if I did I would probably be taken from my siblings and mom. So here I am, pathetically crying on my bed.

Suddenly my phone starts to vibrate, making me snap out of my thoughts. I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes and check my phone. Ross is calling. I pick up the call and bring the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I answer.




"So.. what's up? Why'd you call?"

"Oh um- I just wanted to see how you are. You seemed upset that you couldn't spend the night."

"I'm fine Ross, just don't really feel like being home right now."

"Why? Disagreement or something?"

"Um.. yeah. They-"


What was that..?!

"You bitch, stay out of my way and I won't have to do things like that!" I hear my dad yell from outside my room.

Oh no, don't tell me..

"Dad what the fuck!?" my older brother, Radford, yells. "Are you okay Mom?"

"Radford I'm fine, please stay out of this and go to your room." she answers.

"But Mom-"

"Now Radford."

I hear footsteps then a door shut.

Did Dad put his hands on mom?! He never does that, he's going too far. I wish I could help but I know mom will just keep pushing me away. Why can't she just kick him out? He doesn't help with the rent, so she should be able to. But why doesn't she?! I know she knows she can, how much more of this can I deal with?

"Robert.." Ross says from over the phone, making me flinch.

Crap, I forgot he was on the phone. Please don't tell me he heard all that.

"Ah, sorry. I spaced out.." I say as an excuse to him, tears once again started to form in my eyes.

"Robert, are you okay? What was all that?"

"Um, it was just a little disagreement. Don't worry about it."

I was trying to hold back the tears but I couldn't. My nose was starting to get runny and my voice sounds shaky, Ross can't hear me like this.

"Robert, that was not a little disagreement, what's going on-"

"I have to go Ross. I'll see you tomorrow at school. See you."

"No, Robert-!"

Before he could say anything else I hang up the phone and finally let loose.

Ross definitely heard all that, what do I tell him now? What if he tells people at school and I get taken away?

My thoughts were running wild with questions and assumptions that just made me cry even more. This'll all be over in the morning... yeah. I'll just sleep it off. I shut my eyes and tried to go to sleep as I heard my Dad laugh at the tv show he was watching and drink more beer.

Under Winter Stars - Ross x Robert StoryWhere stories live. Discover now