Shopping - Chapter 9

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Ross' POV:

So instead of my mom going to an IKEA or a furniture store to buy Robert stuff, she brought him to a BJ's. She said it's because she has a membership card and there's random cheap furniture in the middle. I would have rather went to an actual furniture store but I guess it's fine as long as Robert gets what he needs, and from the looks of it he actually looks like he's enjoying looking around the place.

We came just when the staff were setting up samples so everytime Robert saw a stand he would rush to it and grab two samples for me and him, which I actually really appreciated. Whenever me and my mom come here I get anxious getting the samples for myself so I just never get them.

He was also taking his time looking at the random tables of books, clothes, and games in the center and entrance of the store.

"Ooo.." I hear Robert mutter to himself from behind me.

I turn around to see what he's looking at and see it's a huge book about astronomy. I remember him telling me once stars fascinate him so it's no surprise this book caught his eye.

"Lemme see." I request, gesturing for him to hand me the book.

He hands me the book and I flip it over to check the price. Five ninety-nine (5.99), not bad.

"I'll buy it for you." I say to him with a small smile.

His eyes immediately light up and he smiles with his usual big smile that I love. "Really?!" he excitedly asks.

"Yeah you dork, here." I assure, handing him the book back.

He gives me a quick hug then runs back to my mom to look at the furniture.

"What do you think about this Robert?" she asks, pointing to a small brown dresser.

Robert walks up to it and opens one of the drawers before closing it back.

"This is good." he answers.

"Perfect! How much is it? Do you see a price tag?" my mom asks.

Robert starts looking around for a price tag, opening all the drawers and looking on the top and sides of it before he finds it on the bottom.

"It's fifty dollars!" he shouts.

"Mm, not bad. Alright boys, help me get this thing in the cart!" mom says.

Robert and her then go on each side of the dresser and put their hands on it, getting ready to lift it up.

"Wait, we don't have to build it? We just buy it like this?" I ask, getting behind the dresser.

"Yep! Now on three..."

She counts to three and we all lift up the dresser and as gently as we can, place it in the cart.

"Phew, well that counts as my workout for the day. Now let's go pay!" mom says, now pushing the cart to the huge line that went all the way to the bakery section (which is in the back of the store).

"Why is the line so big?!" I complain.

"Don't know, that's just how it always is whenever I come. No biggie though it moves fast. Usually." she answers. She smiles but I could tell she's actually annoyed with the line.

Robert sees another sample stand but surprisingly doesn't go towards it which confuses me cause he will literally eat anything.

"Ew." he mumbles.

"What?" I ask.

"It's coffee." he answers.

"...You don't like coffee?"

Under Winter Stars - Ross x Robert StoryWhere stories live. Discover now