ova anzio arc part 2:

60 1 0

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Miho climbs inside m1a5. Cool spotter, robbie gunner, zync secondary gunner. Miho is now command of driver main gun & secondary gun.

Miho looking around till she spot photo of her & hoffman. Pic of him giving her a piggyback ride, kissing the back of his neck. Taken by shiho herself some years ago after defeating university & killing santa itsuki for his plans of tankery's dark future they didn't know about.

She brushed her tear her eyes off. He still is sleeping from a near death incident.

Miho: * turn the tank on * i can't say panzer vor. Hoffman doesn't have a say -_-

Robbie: he never does

Lance gets inside the panzer. Mako yukari hana & saori waiting for him.


Lance: easy. Okay mako here this will keep you up

Mako: 5 hour energy?. Groovy

Lance: when i'm here. You better keep yo eyes opened. I'm watching you

Yukari: the usual just as miporin write as listed

Lance: GOOD. i hate to say this but. PANZER VOR

Timeskip miho pov:

Sorry hoffman kun we spray painted something on your commanding tank. They spray painted piyopiyo on my panzer.

Robbie: since we never had a chance on using two levkovs & the rail gun tank. Now we can use them for up coming match against anzio

Lance comms: " i'm all ears "

Miho: ashiru san team & levkov team obstruct any tanks that will try to get close to us. Tor is commanded by DOM right?

Cool: he's a bit low profile

Mako: so are we running or attacking?

Miho: " we're running. Lance san? "

Lance: mission is simple, where running away from the dom's tor tank range. No pat school that allied anzio has their fleet vehicle of over 35.000 EMKV90 tors. Intel has it. Its range is still unknown. We have only 25.000 of them made too

Soari: we tested that thing's weakness, ahiru san team shouldn't be a problem

Cool drove side by side with panzer. Tor drove up behind us drive in the same speed as momo & zachary's tank. Hover tanks driven by granite (levkov 1) & juke box (levkov 2) they fired their guns at the tor.

Tor broke off chasing levkov 2 & ahiru's team. Lev kov 1 stayed with us.

Panzer turned towards the pursing tanm after loosing them. Saw hana fired the shell.

Miho: lance is learning already. Let my anglerfish team do their thing

Lance pov:

I explained to hippo team leader about the stug 3. Miho suggested it. 1,500 meters.

Miho comms: " well done lance san "

Lance: thanks. How's it going on hoffman's tank?

Miho comms: " too much computers. Didn't know he likes his tank rainbow lights "

Miho pov:

Cool san stop beside my panzer as hippo team fire at this  range. Instead of hana shooting i shoot.

Author pov:

Vollyball ball team try to get a aim at the levkov hover tank.

Granite: come vollyball players is that your best shot?


Miho: when the match lance. Just wear a mask

Lance: your sure commander?. You don't wear one

Miho: true. Think outside the box. I'll wear hoffman's old balaclava skull mask too

Anglish team got the stuff to make pasta. Invited their first boyfriends to eat Saori's place. They vist hosptial area aboard the highschool no pat alpha titan school ship.

Hoffman still sleeping slowly recovering. Surgery is been done removing old shrapnels from near his heart area, hana brought flowers to replace.

Robbie: wounds healed up from super soldier serum. His body is still adapting to it. According what doc said. He made a bit more drousy

Miho caressing his cheek affectionately. How she missed his company before she goes she leaned & kissed him.

Leaving others followed. Mako took one last look at him.

Mako: please wake up for her soon

To be continued:


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