chap 1 in the beginaing

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kat pov-
beeep beep beep
uhhh my stipied alarm telling me to get out of bed, i cannt be asked but then my little sister prim will comes in my bed room and makes sure iam ready, she jumps on my bed repitively untill i finaly got out and went to go and shower, once iam out of the shower and i have dried of i put my brown damp hair into my traditonal side braid, i walk bavk into my room and see prim has laid out some clothes for me to wear, a forerst green crop top with a pair of dark brown shorts and a black pair of vans with my fathers old hunting jacket wicth is also brown. i slip my clothes on and grab my new bag that has my school suplies in it, over my shoulder adnd walk down the spirling staircase, to walk into a kinchen that smells of pancakes i grab one and take my phone off charge and head out the door. But before i can start walking my step farther plurch heavensbee aka the millionare hands me some car keys " but i dont have a car" i say " well you do know" and walks toward the garage inside is a baguuti vareon 2014 limted edition in white with black stripes. I have to say its a nice car for a 17 teenyear old girl that ony just passed her test ! I hug him and say thankyou and drive to mocking jay talent acakemy , it speciles in wepary, one of the reasons i am going to this school as i am number 1 girl acher in the country i am also handy the medical side if things as my mother is a reowed A & E doctor. as i drive into the school grounds i see people gapping at me and my car, i also hear wolf wistles and just ingrone them. I finaly found a parking space under a willow tree, it reminds me of a song i sing to prim when shes ill or when iam at my dads grave. I get out and see a group of boys and girls sitting beneth the tree. They walk over to me and a boy with bright blue eyes and ashy blonde hair says " are you new here" "yes do you know were i can find the repcion?" " yeah sure im peeta mellark follow me." "thanks im katniss everdeen." we make small talk and tell him about myself and he tells me about himself, as we walk down the corridor i see all the girls shoting daggers at me, "peeta why are the girls glearing at me?""oh because me and my group are called the victors and we are the poplur group in the school, everyone wants to be like us you can join are group katniss, the girls were complaining that there where to many boys and not enongh girls, you can meet them after we get your locker number and time table" " okay if your sure" "iam sure. Know lets get your stuff."
and with that the rest if the walk is in silence.
As we walk into the bright pink office a pink haired lady called elffie asks what we are doing here, she realasied peeta was here and greeted him. She then asked me who i was and what my name was after she looked she handed me my time table and locker key and locker number.funny enough it was next to peetas and a girl called annie who was also in the group victors. Peeta was telling me about tue school bully delly cartright, when a girl who looked like a barbie doll came out of nowhere and rushed up to peeta calling him " hey babe come miss 1st period with me we can do somthing fun..." while touching his six pack of abs., i was feeling akaward , when peeta suddenlty said " Delly iam not you boyfriend or your babe and stop touching me, and i wont miss 1st period with you." he grabed my hand and went bqck to the group of people under the willow. " Guys this is katniss, shes new here and i think you would all like her so she can in are group, seeing as the girls are complaing that there are to many boys and not enough girls." everyone said okay abd a girls with red hair abd sea green eyes said " hi im annie and my wepon is a tradient, my boyfriend is finnick and iam hyper and crazy" a boy with bronze hair abd also sea green eyes said " hii kitty kat im finnick, my wepon is also a tradient and annies my girfriend" then a girl with browish blonde hair and hazel eyes said " hi katniss im clove my wepon is knifes and my boyfriend is cato" a boy with dark blondish hair says " hi im cato my wepon is sorowds and my girlfriend is clove" then a girl with long blonde hair and brown eyes says " hi im glimmer and my boyfriend is marvel and my wepon is my brains and my good acting skills" " im marvel my girlfriend is glimmer and my wepon is that im good with techlogy and can create new bombs" says a boy with black hair " heyy brainless im jo or johanna but i prefer jo and my wepon is my axe and self defence skills, i have no boyfriend " said a girl with long black sliky hair . Next a boy with dark skin and dark hair says " hi katniss im thersh and my wepon is my knowloge on survilal skills and also my self defence skills" then peeta says " my wepon is lifting heavey weights and i an handy with a knife " i say " hi well im katniss but of corse you already kniw that but my wepon is using a bow and arrows, i have a good knowloge of plants and survial skills , i have a little sister named primrose AKA prim for short, i moved here because my mum remarried plurarch heavenbee the millionare and i got a new car a bagutti vearon" i say pointing towards my new car...

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