chap 7

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Its now monday morning and i have just got out of bed groning i get in the shower i wash my hair and body and get oit i quickly blow dry my hair and put it in a fishtail plait to one side i slip on a pair of blue inked jegging (a mix between leggings and jeans) and a white crop top that has a number of a famous football player on it. I slip on my boots and my hunting jacket and go downstair to see prim with her long blonde hair in two french plaits and white jeans and a light pink croptop on she also has a black leather jacket on and matching black boots she looks so grown up, "hey little duck " "hey katniss breakfast is on the table.its a bacon roll." i grab my school bag and a bacon roll and pour a coffe into a flask and get in my car, i pick peeta up and kiss his cheeck, i ask him if we could meet up tommoro as we have an inset day as the teachers are on strike. Hes fine with thay and we arrange to meet at my house. Once we are at school we walk to the williow tree and see the group drinking coffe, i see a new face i regonzied "GALE??" "KATNISS??" "why are you here u basterd??" "im new to the school and i want you back babe " "urrh no gale after what we did we are NEVER I REPEAT NEVER GETING BACK TOGETHER SO PLEASE PISS OFF" towards the end i start to scream, peeta and finnick notaice my anger towards gale and tell him to f*ck off before they hit him he leaves quickly and i brust into tears as the horrid memories come flodding back, i hate gale after what he did for me and he wants me back mate he is a f*cking idiot. I explain that in middle school we where best friends and then we dated and then cheated on me with my best friend madge and then posted a picture off me that was disrepectful and everyone bullied me for being a "SLUT AND A SLAG" that was one of the reasons we moved as i was being seroiusly bullied. The group was gobsmacked and annie pulled me into a friendly hug i havent had a friendly hug since madge was my best friend. Peeta and the boys looked like they were gunna explode and johannah was just fumming i swear u could see smoke coming out of her ears . She was speaking to her self like saying stuff like " hes dead" or "i cant wait to get my axe on him" and stuff like that . Anyway are 1st lesson was english are teacher ms coin was telling that for are grades to pass senior year we had to proform romeo and juliet by shakespear. it was More like a musical as there was singing in it. We had to get un to pairs of boys and girl, one romeo and one juilet and practice the lines and in music the songs that go with it. at the end of the week we would Proform infront of the judges, ms coin and ms elffie. They tell us to get into parteners and peeta picks me. We eatch get haned scripts and go to the williow tree to go over the script.

i look over to see katniss and peeta under the williow tree, they have great chemestry i was thinking to myself,then my amazing boy friend snaps me out of my little daydream, " hey bae, what senve do u want to practice? " "is there a kissing sence fish boy? " " yes my little red head " i lean in and kiss him, he reacts and pulls me closer, his hand aroud my weist ,mine around his neak, he lifts my but up and carrys me to his sea blue lambogini version 12, he puts me in it and drives to his house, were he carrys me to the bed, i lay down and kiss him again this time , my hands tugging at his t-shirt, i help him rip it off, and throw it on the floor, he tugs at my t-shirt and that comes of to, in the end we are both only in are underwear as we didnt want to do it just yet, he leaves a trance of kisses on my body, wanting more kisses i him wuth all the passion i can and stop, he looks at me wirdly and i say " no more untill we are back at school fish boy" " promise baby? " "i pinky promise bae"....



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