chap 11

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Kat pov...
when i got home later that evening feeling starstruck,about peeta being my boyfriend, i slipped out of the dress and put on my sleepwear, i pulled out my phone and turned out the light, loging onto instagram, checking my feeds to find i finaly had 1000 follows and serval more likes. I started to text peeta. "hey peeta xx" " hey kat xx " "peetaaa when are we going to tell the group about us? xxxx" "when everyou want babe xxxx" "how about we start to flirt at school and hold hands and before they all realise we kiss? Xxx" "okay babe xxx" with that out the way i turned my phone off and went to sleep only to be awoken by my mother. My mum had found prim on her bed looking pale,throwing up and complaing her body was aching. i lifted her up and carried her into my car's back seat, my mum had grabed a jacket and my phone for me, plurarch had phoned his worked and said he was to be absent today due to family issues, plurarch was driving while i was cradaling prims head while she was lying in the recovery postian. When we arrived at the hospital i carried prim in , she was still looking deadly pale and her head hung low into my chest, i hated it when prim was sick, as i could do nothing to help her, i wanted to take her pain away, i just wanted my little duck to be okay.the nures saw me struggling with prim and brought a hospital bed over to me. Mum explained that she worked here and she put her pass aroind her neck, i trailed behind the trolly that prim was on and quietly sang to my self to clam myself down, mum and prim went in the hospital lift, while me and plurach raced it up the stairs, two at a time.we found prims room. Prim was hooked up to all these wires and a heart matchine. the doctors saw her and examind her. They spoke quick and requested a scan of the whole body.i could feel the worry in my chest screaming but i had to be strong for prim.
it was now 3:00am in the morning, when the test reslut came back, the doctors shown my mum the scan and she gasped. my mum told me that what ever happend i had to still go to school, unfortently i agreed. The doctors took blood test to conferim what they thought it was. Mum was pale when the blood tests were back. Prim still hooked up to all the wires looked so vunreball and small in tge hospital gown . And i well, i was just preying that prim was alright. The doctors told us what it was. It was a type of child luekima, that effects 1 in 5000. i was trying to be strong, the doctors said that we have caught it early, so it is easier to treat, and theey want prim to start chemotheropy as sone as, so mum booked her in to a session later today. The doctors gave her special medince that should help stop the pain and losing her hair.plurach had got a wheel chair and had put prim in it i grabed her blanket and her teddy that i had brought for her. We walked down to the car in a shocked silence.

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