chap 6

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It is now sunday and iam spending the day with peeta without the rest of the group, we are going to his nans and grandads as they live near a woods and have alot of land to horse ride. I have a quick shower and as we are ridding i put on a one strap green t shirt and black leggings with black boots. I leave my hair down in natral waves and walk off to peetas house, when i arrive he grabs my hand a pulls me to his convertable that is white and black i jump in and we drive to his grandparents and he knocks on the big wooden door, an oldish woman opens the door and says hi to peeta, she realizes iam there and says "you must be katniss peeta has told me a lot about you" peeta blushes and says "nan say hi to grandad for me and is it okay if we go on a ride with 2 hores?" " peeta you always know you can ride here so why did u ask" "okay nan see you later" and with that he grabed my hand again fireworks wentoff and pulled me to a winding path, we walked for atleast 5minitues untill we came across a wooden stable that had atlest 10 horses in it. Peeta told me all the names and handed me a box he told me to open it, it was a black cowboy hat that had my name sewn in it i thanked him and put it on, it was the rightsize and sutied me.peeta told me to pick any horse so i picked a horse that was storm grey and and name was storm. I tacked him up while peeta got a brown horse called daybreak and also tacked her up. We started to ride i was following peeta.
We ride to a cliff where we tie the hores up to a wooden post peeta. It was a beautiful day, the sky blue with little fluffly clouds and the green forest behind us. Peeta ask if we can get to know eacth other more so i say "whens is it your birthday? " " 3rd march , whens your? " " 19 august , whats your favourite colour?" "sunset orange . Yours?" "forest green " we carry on talking to eatch other and we both start to flirt with eatch other , i slowly move closer to peeta and he wispers in my ear , i turn to face him and put my hands on his neck and he puts his hands on my cheeck and kisses my lips gentaly and i kiss back,sparks were flying and we break for air, i kiss him again harder this time and it turns into a make out session, it gentaly starts to rain and we ride home holding hands i take a quick picture and set it as my lock screen, and also post it on insta captioned " we are soo tumblr @ peeta_mellark " we reach the stables and it is now heavily raining iam socked though and my hair is wet and peetas just looks sexy...

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