chap 9

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Kat pov...
yes its tuesday, theres no school as its an inset day. Iam spending the day with peeta, we are going to the lake i saw yesturday while hunting. I text peeta say " hey peeta, bring swimming stuff and a towel. xx" i dont know why i put the xxs. Once i texted him i slip on a black bkanni and some short cargo shorts with a black crop top, i appaly water proof mascura and eyeliner, i leave my hair natrualy down and go down stairs to see we have no food for breakfast and the pinnic me and peeta were going to have, i end up haveing to go shoping for food for half an hour getting food for the week, i put the food in the cupords and freezer and fridge and i look at the clook and realize that the time is 10:45 peetas coming in 5 miniets i quickly grab a pinnic bag and put food in it just as i finish the doorbell goes i run to get it, standing there is peeta looking super sexy in long brown shorts and a blue shoulder cut t-shirt,his blonde curls look so cute in the moring sunlight and his eyes are as blue as the deep blue sea, he has a black bag over his shoulder. He says hi to me and asks if he can carry anything i tell him he can carry the pinnic bag and i quickly grab my bag and my bow and arrows for saftey, with my bag on my shoulder i grab his hand and walk him to the lake its about an half an hour walk so we chat and joke untill we reach the lake peetas first reaction is " wow i should have really brought my art pad along with me. This place is amazing katniss," " i know right ! i love it " as it now 11:30 i lay the blanket on the floor and sit on it, peeta sits next to me i absently moned lay my head on peetas lap, and start making a chain of the wild primroses peetas hands move to my head and absently minded start fiddaling with my hair, plaiting it neatly. We stay like this untill i finish the the chain of primroses and put them on my head, then i say we should go in the lake, i peel of my cargo shorts and black crop top and peeta pulls of his shirt to reveal a 6 pack, i feel a blush on my hot cheecks and look away peeta notices and smiles and says " kat you can look at me you know" bringing a smile to my lips i grab his hand and pull him in to the warm lake. He grabs me and lifts me up above the water and chucks me back into the water, to trick him i stay under water for a long time to maje him worried he starts to call my name and stuff like that after i go back to the top of the surface and as soon as peeta sees me he runs over to me and hugs me and then looks at me in the eyes and tells me to" never do that again because i thought i lost you, and kat i cannot lose u , i love you katniss" " i love you to peeta" knowing that truley mean it. I look at him and kiss him we kiss for a long time and at the end peeta says " kat do u want to go to a resrunt tonight ? " "okay what time " "i' l pick u up at 6. 00 At yours okay" "okay "

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