chap 15

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Kat pov...
Omds this day is going on forever, will I ever leave school? I know I will, but its just really really really boring lessons like english, science , spanish. No fun lessons like p.e or form time today they told us about the celebration evening; its to get awards in all subjects, everyone goes and you have to ware a dress or a suit as some famous people will be there, they arnt telling us who is going to get what award. annie gets all excited; its really funny to watch as finnick trys to calm her down, I think annie is just a little excited! ! Lunch was depressing; I told the group about prim and ended up on curled up in peetas chest; its very comfortable,  I like it as I an hear his heart beat, it relexs me sooo much.the group are all sad about prim, the tell me that they will try to help me as much as I can; I thank them, and finnick says were all going to the beach on Saturday to take my mind off prim. As the day ends I invite peeta to my house he agrees and comes, I ask him what we should do, he suggests baking, so thats what we do we bake some bread, cheese buns, my favourite,  we also make some chocolate chip cookies, as we pull them out the oven I hear small feet on the stairs, uts prim and oh my god she looks ill, I ask her what she is doing and she tells me she smelt something yummy, I forgot the prim loves chocolate chip cookies I give her a small plate full and lift her to the sofa, she puts on a film ; grown ups and watches it, while me and peeta wash up and talk to eatch other.its 6.00 pm and peeta has to go home, I give him a kiss on the lips and wrap my legs around his waist, as my mum comes in the door; home from work ( awkward ) she laughs as me and peeta flush tomatoe red, I kiss him one last time and close the door,  prims fallen asleep on the sofa again so I pick her up and carry her to her room, when she says " you really love peeta dont you? I see the way you look at him, the way he looks at you, but when mom came in...  well that was just plain awkward. " I kiss her on the cheek and reply " yes prim I do love peeta, goodnight my littke duck, i'll bring some soup up for u later."

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