chap 4

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kat pov
the week passs very quickly and it is friday, yay i have surived a week of school!! i have made good friends and they support me and like me, delly is still a basterd with her minons, but she seems quiter she dosent talk as much to peeta any more, she still flirts and purrs. But she seems up to somthing , shes acting wierd.
Iam in chemistrey with the group, it the last lesson of the day and i am wearing a pair of white skinny jeans with my brown boots, a crop top that has black and white roses on and my hunting jacket, i have mascra on with eye liner and fondation on my brown hair is dead stright and falls over my shoulders. i have my school bag under my table and annie is chatting away to me and finnick , they are such a cute couple, they have only been together for a day and you can see that they adore each other its in the way they look at each other. at the moment they are holding hands under the table.
finnick asked her while in art, he had a packet if haribos and on the canvas write a littke speech and gave it to her he than had pasted a little envolop with hearts and rings in with a note saying " annie will u be my girlfriend?"
I have to admit it was cute!
we are also having a sleepover tonight, at glimmer house i have too go home 1st tho to get my stuff. As the bell rings we all run out to are cars, i jump in mine and telk them i will see them later. As i drive home i listen to capital fm, an pick prim up, shes talking to a boy and the boy kisses prims cheek, i see she blushes and runs over to my car. I ask her who he was and she says it was rory haythorne, apperently he asked her out today and she said yes . My sister has a better love life than me !!!i drive home and pack my bag for tonight i change into some sweat pants and re do my hair into a french plait and pack my cloths for tommoro, glimmer says that we are going to a good resunt tonight so said that we should dress up so i bring a little black dress that is strapless and mediam sided heels we are doing make up and hair at glimmers. I also pack a forst green bkanni and a black towel. After wards i say good bye and drive to glimmers house.
when i get to glimmers i see it is the same size as my house, its a very modern house, just as i knock on the door peeta arrives looking hot, he smiles and i blush a little, gosh i never used to be like this peeta is making me blush! glimmer opens the door and welcomes us to her house , she tells me to chuck my stuff on her bed so i do when i cone down i see that everyone else has arrived. Finnick calls us all over and tells us we are going to play TRUTH O'RDAIR we all agree and start to play, it lands on annie and clove tells her and finnick to play 7 minitues in heaven, so annie drags finnick to the closest and the moaning begins it was more like 7 minitues of torture. When they come out they are looking flusterd. it then lands on me and i choose dare, instently regeting it, annie dares me to kiss the hottest boy , i blush deep red and walk over to peeta before i kiss him i wishper a sorry in his ear and lean in it felt like fire works going off, i hear a snap of a camera phone and we break apart. I turn to see annie using my phone to take a picture, it was a cute picture so i save it. We carry on playing this game untill we need to get ready to go for dinner. Glimmer grabs all of the girls and pulls us up the stairs, we split into partners, im with annie and do each others make up and hair. I do annies red hair in a side fishtail plait and a french manicure style nails, she has wing tipped eyeliner on and sea green eyes shawdow.
Annie gives me smokey eyes and heavy eyeliner also with a french nails and my hair was in a waterfall braid. We all slipped into are dresses and i took a photo, and posted it on instagram i taged them all and i already had loads of likes, we walked down stairs all together and saw the boys in formal yet casual wear, we all looked good with each other, we got into are cars and drove to the resrent. It was a posh. We all orderd fantas, coke and pepsis to drink. we all got steak and vegtables to eat. we waited a long time for the food and just talked about random stuff, but the food was amazing, we paid and went back to glimmers, i saw on instagram my photo had 170 likes. I went up stairs and changed in to my pjs and keeped my hair in place, by then glimmer was making tea and coffes, i was having a cup of coffe. i helped glimmer get the food for the flim out and the popcorn ready. We choose to watch GROWNUPS 1 & 2 . i was sitting next to peeta and he put his arm round me, i moved closer to him, it was soon the end of the film and we were laying on the floor, i was next to peeta and i couldnt sleep because i was scared of the nightmares that hunt my dreams, peeta asked why and i explained that my dad had died when i was 10 and i had to feed my family and care for them. I was begging to feel sleepy and peeta was moving away but i grabed him and said "stay with me?" he answerd " always" and moved his sleeping bag next to mine and put his arm around my waste, i felt that tingerling feeling again, i felt safe and with that i fell into sleep



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