New Beginnings 💚

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💚 Y/N's Perspective

I stood behind Fig's old desk. It's been a few years since I graduated from Hogwarts. The quaint little room felt different after his death. It was enveloped in a silent grief and timelessness. How could I forget the mentor who believed in me before anyone else did?

To continue his legacy, I'm returning to Hogwarts as the new Magical Theory professor. I can only hope to live up to Professor Fig, and I wish he could be here now to guide me through this new journey.

The journals and letters didn't all belong to him. Some were left by other Magical Theory professors. This one looks particularly recent, judging by the parchment. Its neat cursive handwriting was admirable.

Dear Headmaster Black,

Despite Rookwood's death, new con artists, thieves, and poachers have been trying to pick up the pieces. I overheard that they're even attempting to recruit students into these new crime organizations. Perhaps we should ban students from going to Hogsmeade.

M. Yaxley

Banning students is a bit of an overreaction. I sighed. What if students find me just as annoying?

I wondered how my friends are doing. Perhaps I should've become an Auror like Natty or a Magizoologist like Poppy. I missed seeing them every day.

"Y/N?" a calm voice called out. I looked to the door to see Ominis Gaunt. "Wanna go grab dinner?" He asked. Dinner? Puzzled, I looked out the window and realized it was already dark out. "Yes, please." I placed the letters down and walked over to him. I can't believe I spent so much time reading miscellaneous letters that I barely touched the lesson plan journals.

"Where are we going?" I asked. He paused, leaning against the doorframe. "Well, I didn't really have a place in mind."

Seeing Ominis made me feel better because I know I'll always have Ominis close. He picked up teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts after Professor Hecat retired a year ago.

At first, I was concerned about him supervising dueling students, but he assured me that his disgust and experience with the Dark Arts made him the ideal teacher. Perhaps, it was wrong of me to underestimate him because the students adore Professor Gaunt.


Ominis's Perspective

She had grabbed my hand and began walking with no clear direction. She gets lost in thought sometimes, and I'm not sure if I should interrupt her. Besides, I would follow her anywhere.

At least, by the pacing of her footsteps, she seemed to be in a good mood. I'm happy she returned to Hogwarts for her career, and I remember the first time she led me down these halls. I expected Sebastian to push me along, but she grabbed me instead. I couldn't help, but remark that her hands were so soft and small compared to Sebastian. Of course, they both teased me about it. So much time has passed since then. Still, her hands seemed to fit perfectly into mine.

"Where are you off to now?" shrieked Ignatia Wildsmith.

"Hogsmeade, Please." responded a much more pleasant voice. A flash of warmth, and we were in a new place. The sudden change of spatial awareness made me a bit nauseous.

"You wouldn't believe how inconvenient travel was before I invited Floo Powder," Wildsmith continued as always.

She took my hand and began walking again. "I can't make up my mind about what to eat." she sounded a bit distraught, so I began listing restaurants in Hogsmeade. Her voice perked up again, "Let's go there." She was radiating excitement.

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