When We Got Closer 🍋 Part II

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Y/N's Perspective

Ominis finishes unbuttoning my blouse, and I toss it aside. "You too," I stated, politely. Ominis nodded. "It's only fair." I reached my hands up and unraveled his tie as he undid the lower buttons of his vest.

Moonlight pours down on us from the ceiling windows. I blush at the sight of him shirtless on top of me. His hands continue exploring my body. When he found my nipples, I let out a soft moan. I quickly bit my lip to refrain from making embarrassing noises.

Ominis moves down. He begins kissing around one and gently rubbing the other with his fingers. The pleasure's intense. I can feel the desire building throughout my body. He uses his tongue, and I let out another moan. It was like he knew exactly what he was doing.

Perhaps we could be... No. Remember, Ominis has no interest in getting married or extending the Gaunt family line. I remind myself.


Meanwhile, Ominis thought he could commit to Y/N forever. He was listening so intently that he could hear the rhythm of her heartbeat and the pace of her breath.

He found her moans to be adorable and began making a game out of playing with her breasts. Every time she let out a moan, he would explore an inch lower, and lower, and lower.


When he got to my lower undergarments, he played with me through the cloth. He sits up and asks, "Are you okay if..." I began undoing his belt before he can finish speaking. We remove everything while he asks me about what felt best or what felt uncomfortable.

I feel a bit guilty staring at his manhood as I answered him, but I'd never been so intimate with a man before because it is socially unacceptable for an unwed witch in the late 1800s.

He takes my hand and places it on him. I feel his size and length. Will this hurt going in? He moves back on top of me. I position the tip and embrace for pain. Instead, Ominis leans in to kiss my lips. He gently parts my mouth open and slides his tongue in. It feels like a teaser of him being inside me. I continue to stroke him as we kiss.  "Ready?" He asks.

"Yes, please," I respond. He positions himself this time, and I wrap my arms around his shoulders. Despite my wetness, there was some resistance. He thrusts in slowly and enters. Ominis let out a slight groan and paused.

"Y/N. Be loud for me, will you?" He asks, "I want to take in every sound and every bit of feedback."

"Alright," I pulled him closer, and he continues his movement. The discomfort turned into pleasure, and I let myself show it.

Why did I wait so long to do this?


That night, Y/N thought she was letting Ominis learn about her, but she ended up learning more about him and her own desires.

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