The Gaunt Residence 💚 + 🥀 Part I

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Warning: mentions of trauma & abuse

Writer's Note
Thanks for reading!!! I appreciate the votes and comments so much. If you're enjoying the story so far, please consider adding it to a reading list.

I originally intended, for Ominis, to portray an abuse that was physical, neglectful, and what's left emotionally. Yet a life that's glamorized on the outside. In many ways, things do get better with autonomy & independence. Yet in many ways, the same family dysfunction continues.

The story has been light-hearted so far and probably shouldn't dive off the deep end too suddenly, so I switched to using Y/N's Perspective instead.

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💚 + 🥀

Ominis and Y/N reappeared along England's coast. "Windy and gloomy as always," he complained. She looked around. It was a little foggy. Magical carts trudged along the road. Wild thresals grazed through lush greenery, and Ireland could be seen across the water. The distant clouds and atmosphere foretold a storm was coming.

She turned around, and Ominis was already at the gate speaking parseltongue. The Slytherin castle towered over them. There was an interesting mix of extravagant gothic details on medieval architecture. The towers were easily triple the size of Rookwood castle and surrounded by a newer mansion. Like Hogwarts, the place was built with ancient magic. The metal gates opened.

Ominis took Y/N's hand and led the way. The garden was full of exotic magical flora that she had never seen before. At the front door, they were greeted by a house elf. "Lolly can't believe you actually came home. Dinner will be at 6," the house elf said, "Lolly will take your bags to the bedroom."

Ominis kneeled down and gave the house elf a brief hug. She hugged him back with a smile. "I missed you. Can you let Ambrose know that we'd like to talk to him too?" He asked.

"Of course. Do you need anything else?" Lolly asked. He shook his head, no. The house elf snapped her fingers and left.


Y/N's Perspective

A long dining table was prepared for twenty-two. I studied etiquette before our arrival. The head of the household always sits at the end of the table with the most important family members beside him. That would be Ominis's father followed by Ominis's mother and uncle. Then, his older siblings and cousins. At the other end of the table is the guest of honor. I was surprised when Ominis pulled out the chair for me.

"It's your return home. Shouldn't you be there?" I asked, but he shook his head.

"I'm not the guest," He reminded sheepishly. I sat down, and he took the seat beside me. The sound of a bell tower chimed, and his family members arrived one by one.

"Oh, you're still alive," a lady commented. She looked back at her book with indifference and took a seat.

Two more people walked in. The man ruffled up Ominis's hair, "So it's not a ghost." He laughed and turned his attention to me, "And you are?" The woman roughly grabbed his arm and pulled him along.

Most family members entered the room without saying a thing. They all looked extraordinarily similar: defined features, platinum blonde hair, and icy blue eyes.

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